Account Balance Events


After the user 【First time】switches the margin mode (switching from isolated margin to cross margin), the following subjects of this topic will stop pushing

"subject": "orderMargin.change",

"subject": "availableBalance.change",

"subject": "withdrawHold.change",

Use the following subject to replace

"subject": "walletBalance.change"
Asset Overview by Currency Push
      "userId": "xbc453tg732eba53a88ggyt8c", 
      "topic": "/contractAccount/wallet",
      "subject": "walletBalance.change",
      "data": {
            "currency": "XBT",  // Currency Symbol
            "walletBalance": "2.002", // Wallet Balance
            "availableBalance": "2.002", // Available Balance
            "holdBalance": "0", // Frozen Balance
            "isolatedOrderMargin": "0", // Margin of the isolated margin order
            "isolatedPosMargin": "0", // Margin of the isolated margin position, including isolated margin funding fees
            "isolatedUnPnl": "0", // Unrealized P&L in isolated margin mode
            "isolatedFundingFeeMargin":"0", // Isolated margin funding fee
            "crossOrderMargin": "0", // Margin of the cross margin order
            "crossPosMargin": "0", // Margin of the cross margin position
            "crossUnPnl": "0", // Unrealized P&L in cross margin mode
            "equity": "2.002", // Equity
            "totalCrossMargin": "2.002", // Total margin under cross margin mode
            "version": "9", // Version. When holding a cross margin position, the available balance may change with fluctuations in the mark price, leading to discrepancies in the available balance for the same version number.
            "timestamp": "1714632069838" // Last modified time

Order Margin Event(Deprecate)
//Order Margin Event
  "userId": "xbc453tg732eba53a88ggyt8c", // Deprecated, will detele later
  "topic": "/contractAccount/wallet",
  "subject": "orderMargin.change",
  "data": {
    "orderMargin": 5923, //Current order margin
    "currency": "USDT", //Currency
    "timestamp": 1553842862614
Available Balance Event(Deprecate)
//Available Balance Event
  "userId": "xbc453tg732eba53a88ggyt8c", // Deprecated, will detele later
  "topic": "/contractAccount/wallet",
  "subject": "availableBalance.change",
  "data": {
    "availableBalance": 5923, //Current available amount
    "holdBalance": 2312, //Frozen amount = positionMargin + orderMargin + frozenFunds
    "currency": "USDT", //Currency
    "timestamp": 1553842862614
Withdrawal Amount & Transfer-Out Amount Event(Deprecate)
//Withdrawal Amount & Transfer-Out Amount Event
  "userId": "xbc453tg732eba53a88ggyt8c", // Deprecated, will detele later
  "topic": "/contractAccount/wallet",
  "subject": "withdrawHold.change",
  "data": {
    "withdrawHold": 5923, // Current frozen amount for withdrawal
    "currency": "USDT", //Currency
    "timestamp": 1553842862614