Get Order Details by orderId/clientOid
Get a single order by order id (including a stop order).
GET /api/v1/orders/{order-id}?clientOid={client-order-id}
GET /api/v1/orders/5cdfc138b21023a909e5ad55
(get order by orderId),
GET /api/v1/orders/byClientOid?clientOid=eresc138b21023a909e5ad59
(get order by clientOid)
"code": "200000",
"data": {
"id": "5cdfc138b21023a909e5ad55", //Order ID
"symbol": "XBTUSDM", //Symbol of the contract
"type": "limit", //Order type, market order or limit order
"side": "buy", //Transaction side
"price": "3600", //Order price
"size": 20000, //Order quantity
"value": "56.1167227833", //Order value
"dealValue": "56.1167227833", //Executed size of funds
"dealSize": 20000, //Executed quantity
"stp": "", //Self trade prevention types
"stop": "", //Stop order type (stop limit or stop market)
"stopPriceType": "", //Trigger price type of stop orders
"stopTriggered": true, //Mark to show whether the stop order is triggered
"stopPrice": null, //Trigger price of stop orders
"timeInForce": "GTC", //Time in force policy type
"postOnly": false, //Mark of post only
"hidden": false, //Mark of the hidden order
"iceberg": false, //Mark of the iceberg order
"leverage": "20", //Leverage of the order
"forceHold": false, //A mark to forcely hold the funds for an order
"closeOrder": false, //A mark to close the position
"visibleSize": null, // Visible size of the iceberg order
"clientOid": "5ce24c16b210233c36ee321d", //Unique order id created by users to identify their orders
"remark": null, //Remark of the order
"tags": null, //Tag order source
"isActive": false, //Mark of the active orders
"cancelExist": false, //Mark of the canceled orders
"createdAt": 1558167872000, //Time the order created
"updatedAt": 1558167872000, //last update time
"endAt": 1558167872000, //End time
"orderTime": 1558167872000000000, //order create time in nanosecond
"settleCurrency": "XBT", //settlement currency
"status": "done", //order status: “open” or “done”
"filledValue": "56.1167227833", //Value of the executed orders
"filledSize": 20000, //Executed order quantity
"reduceOnly": false //A mark to reduce the position size only
This endpoint requires the General permission.
This endpoint support Futures URL
Futures weight
Param | Description |
id | Order ID |
symbol | Symbol of the contract |
type | Order type, market order or limit order |
side | Transaction side |
price | Order price |
size | Order quantity |
value | Order value |
dealValue | Executed size of funds |
dealSize | Executed quantity |
stp | self trade prevention |
stop | Stop order type (stop limit or stop market) |
stopPriceType | Trigger price type of stop orders |
stopTriggered | Mark to show whether the stop order is triggered |
stopPrice | Trigger price of stop orders |
timeInForce | Time in force policy type |
postOnly | Mark of post only |
hidden | Mark of the hidden order |
iceberg | Mark of the iceberg order |
leverage | Leverage of the order |
forceHold | A mark to forcely hold the funds for an order |
closeOrder | A mark to close the position |
visibleSize | Visible size of the iceberg order |
clientOid | Unique order id created by users to identify their orders |
remark | Remark of the order |
tags | tag order source |
isActive | Mark of the active orders |
cancelExist | Mark of the canceled orders |
createdAt | Time the order created |
updatedAt | last update time |
endAt | End time |
orderTime | Order create time in nanosecond |
settleCurrency | settlement currency |
status | order status: “open” or “done” |
filledSize | Value of the executed orders |
filledValue | Executed order quantity |
reduceOnly | A mark to reduce the position size only |