Get List of Orders Completed in 24h

Get a list of recent 1000 orders in the last 24 hours.

If you need to get your recent traded order history with low latency, you may query this endpoint.


GET /api/v1/recentDoneOrders


GET /api/v1/recentDoneOrders

  "code": "200000",
  "data": [
      "id": "5cdfc138b21023a909e5ad55", //Order ID
      "symbol": "XBTUSDM", //Symbol of the contract
      "type": "limit", //Order type, market order or limit order
      "side": "buy", //Transaction side
      "price": "3600", //Order price
      "size": 20000, //Order quantity
      "value": "56.1167227833", //Order value
      "dealValue": "56.1167227833", //Executed size of funds
      "dealSize": 20000, //Executed quantity
      "stp": "", //Self trade prevention types
      "stop": "", //Stop order type (stop limit or stop market)
      "stopPriceType": "", //Trigger price type of stop orders
      "stopTriggered": true, //Mark to show whether the stop order is triggered
      "stopPrice": null, //Trigger price of stop orders
      "timeInForce": "GTC", //Time in force policy type
      "postOnly": false, //Mark of post only
      "hidden": false, //Mark of the hidden order
      "iceberg": false, //Mark of the iceberg order
      "leverage": "20", //Leverage of the order
      "forceHold": false, //A mark to forcely hold the funds for an order
      "closeOrder": false, //A mark to close the position
      "visibleSize": null, // Visible size of the iceberg order
      "clientOid": "5ce24c16b210233c36ee321d", //Unique order id created by users to identify their orders
      "remark": null, //Remark of the order
      "tags": null, //Tag order source
      "isActive": false, //Mark of the active orders
      "cancelExist": false, //Mark of the canceled orders
      "createdAt": 1558167872000, //Time the order created
      "updatedAt": 1558167872000, //last update time
      "endAt": 1558167872000, //End time
      "orderTime": 1558167872000000000, //order create time in nanosecond
      "settleCurrency": "XBT", //settlement currency
      "status": "done", //order status: “open” or “done”
      "filledValue": "56.1167227833", //Value of the executed orders
      "filledSize": 20000, //Executed order quantity
      "reduceOnly": false, //A mark to reduce the position size only
	  "marginMode": "ISOLATED" // Added field for margin mode: ISOLATED (isolated), CROSS (cross margin).

This endpoint requires the General permission.


This endpoint support Futures URL


Futures weight:5

Param Type Mandatory Description
symbol String No Symbol of the contract
Param Description
id Order ID
symbol Symbol of the contract
type Order type, market order or limit order
side Transaction side
price Order price
size Order quantity
value Order value
dealValue Executed size of funds
dealSize Executed quantity
stp self trade prevention
stop Stop order type (stop limit or stop market)
stopPriceType Trigger price type of stop orders
stopTriggered Mark to show whether the stop order is triggered
stopPrice Trigger price of stop orders
timeInForce Time in force policy type
postOnly Mark of post only
hidden Mark of the hidden order
iceberg Mark of the iceberg order
leverage Leverage of the order
forceHold A mark to forcely hold the funds for an order
closeOrder A mark to close the position
visibleSize Visible size of the iceberg order
clientOid Unique order id created by users to identify their orders
remark Remark of the order
tags tag order source
isActive Mark of the active orders
cancelExist Mark of the canceled orders
createdAt Time the order created
updatedAt last update time
endAt End time
orderTime Order create time in nanosecond
settleCurrency settlement currency
status order status: “open” or “done”
filledSize Value of the executed orders
filledValue Executed order quantity
reduceOnly A mark to reduce the position size only
avgDealPrice Average transaction price, forward contract average transaction price = sum (transaction value) / sum (transaction quantity), reverse contract average transaction price = sum (transaction quantity) / sum (transaction value). Transaction quantity = lots * multiplier
marginMode Margin mode: ISOLATED (isolated), CROSS (cross margin).