
KuCoin AMA With AOFverse (AFG) — The Future of Mobile Metaverse

2024/02/08 08:15:06

Dear KuCoin Users,

Time: February 7, 2024, 12:00 PM-01:22 PM (UTC)

KuCoin hosted an AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) session with the CMO of AOFverse, Koko, in the KuCoin Exchange Group.

Official Website:


Follow AOFverse on Twitter, Telegram and Discord

Q&A from KuCoin to AOFverse

Q: What is AOFverse?

Koko: AOFverse is our mobile gaming metaverse. We're a studio and currently we are building 2 games. One is Army of Tactics which can be downloaded and played right now. It's a PVP autobattler with Island simulation. Our second game is Army Of Fortune, a genre defining mobile game. It will be a "real time deck building strategy" game, with elements of strategy and "fortune" (luck). We operate under a unified IP of the AOFverse which includes an army of characters that will grow over time.

Our vision is to have multiple games and social experiences under this IP and all exclusively via the mobile device.

Q: Can you tell us more about your debut game, Army of Tactics?

Koko: Army Of Tactics, is a PVP autobattler. Players build their decks using the character cards they win through gameplay. It is our first game where we are experimenting using tokens and NFTs. Within the game, players will soon be able to win our DEMIGOD NFTs. This is an enhanced troop that unlocks clan capabilities. This NFT also gives a small buff to the troop on the battlefield (not so much that it overpowers the other player completely), and it can also be leveraged in the island simulation to increase resource collection and warehouse management.

The game play is using a tried and tested gameplay loop of the "autochess" style. It's 100% strategic and based on the players own brain. It's designed to be pvp so except for a few circumstances we aim to ensure that players are always playing with a real person. This is particularly important as the core gameplay will keep the excitement. It also supports token sustainability.

Q: Upon checking your website, I noticed that you have another game set to be launched soon. Can you tell us more about this game?

Koko: Army Of Fortune operates in the same visual style of our IP, but has very different gameplay. We have coined it "real time deck building", but it's not a TCG! Players start with a deck, but it is continually challenged and changing throughout the course of the match. This is a blended gameplay with a mix of luck and skill.

The players will also be able to transport assets across games. Demigods will also be functional inside the second game.

Q: What is the utility token behind AOFverse?

Koko: We have a 2 token ecosystem: AFC and AFG. AFG is the main premium token. It is required to mint the Demigods (along with other assets that must be burned), play specific "AFG battle arenas", will be used as the underlying gas token when we move to our own chain using Arbitrum Nitro stack, and required for the marketplace and governance.

AFC is our entry level token, it is the token new players receive a little of to get them on boarded to the game for free. Players need it to battle, upgrade troops, and buildings. We take a small fee of $AFC when players battle with each other. That fee feeds the central pool which is used to give to the new players when they join. AFG is capped at 1 billion. AFC is soft capped at 101 billion. In soft capped, there are a few instances where more might be needed to be minted, but it is under strict control. It cannot be minted from pure gameplay and there is no uncontrolled inflation risk.

Q: Can you give us a glimpse of what is in store for AOFverse in 2024?

Koko: We are aiming for a Demigod release by the end of this month. Players will then have the chance to play for and mint Demigods inside of the game. We also want to release more levels inside the game of Army Of Tactics. We are also growing the team and want to allocate resources to rapidly getting the second game, Army Of Fortune out on Closed Beta. Our OG co-builder community and our Fortune Founders Key holders will gain access to the closed beta, and we will spend some time refining that game.

Technically, we are working closely with Arbitrum to move onto our own chain which will radically reduce our company cost of transacting on chain. This means we can port more actions on the chain which will facilitate us being more transparent and on-chain friendly. We are also looking to plan some exciting competitive events to really bring more attention to Army Of Tactics post global launch.

Q: How can we reach out and learn more about AOFverse?

Koko: For people who are interested in learning more about AOFverse, we have a Telegram Community Channel, a Discord server and our main website also offers a wealth of information. Our metapaper is available too via the website. The best way to access all these resources is via our Discord server channel.

Free-Ask from the KuCoin Community to AOFverse

Q: Could you please enlighten us on the motivations and advantages for investors to hold onto your token for the long term?

Koko: This is a great question, we have planned this project for the long term from the beginning. The mindset of the founders was driven by the need to look into new innovations in mobile gaming both from a player perspective, but also from a business model perspective. When the core foundations were built, it was through > testing the thesis using our first game and integrating web3 tech. Then bringing our new innovative and brand new gameplay to market which is essential in making a true difference in the game space. That's an Army of Fortune. And then, leverage the networks and connections of the founders with their decade of experience in mobile gaming to onboard the mobile gaming studios to web3 as well as the next billion users. These theses take time to play out, especially around interoperability, digital ownership, and new revenue models. Ours gaining traction in this very specific mobile vertical is only the first step.

Q: Lots of projects often emphasize their 'long-term vision and mission, but could you share your immediate objectives? What specific areas are you currently prioritizing?

Koko: We are currently prioritizing the release of our 2 main games and the web3 integrated features within (demigods, tokens etc) and onboarding millions of users to the game in a friction free way. We do this by working closely with Apple/Google on compliance, and making sure those who download the game are not met with any web3 friction. They can enjoy the game fully at first and onboard to the enjoyment of the gameplay. So priority = build and player base growth. Following that, we are making moves to be on our own chain and integrate governance so the community can be more involved in the decision-making process

Q: How does your project differentiate itself from existing competitors in the space?

Koko: We differentiate ourselves by first, focusing on our specific and most expert niche: mobile gaming. Our founders have experience in building a multi billion dollar mobile gaming company from Supercell. Their experience is vital to our confidence to dominate the mobile gaming space. Secondly, we are really focusing on connecting with web2 audiences by adopting a web2-friendly gaming interface whereby players don't have to have prior knowledge of crypto to play or onboard to the game. We are targeting the most rapidly growing source of mobile game players, which is TikTok, and quite wholeheartedly a web2 space. We have 3.5 million followers across our 2 IP accounts, and we will continue to delight our audiences with our AOF IP.

Q: Partnerships play a crucial role in every project. Can you tell me more about your partner and the benefits you derive from these relationships?

Koko: Partnerships do play a crucial role. A major partnership is with Arbitrum. They will support us in ensuring our blockchain tech is as robust as possible and leverage the most innovative tech to further achieve our goal of being a frictionless web3 mobile game. We also have numerous partnerships with growing web3 game distributors. We feel that it is important to activate various communities and invite them into our world. This includes partnerships with Xborg (distribution and esports connections) Mocaverse (distribution), Carv (distribution), (distribution). We also have a few in the pipeline and are focussing on attracting more web2 mobile gamers to our brand.

Q: I would like to know if your project is exclusive for elite investors or if it is open to everyone, including those with small funds. Can you elaborate on this?

Koko: It is open to everyone. It is a free-to-play game(s) and no one needs any money to start playing, winning, earning, and owning.

KuCoin Post AMA Activity — AOFverse

🎁 Participate in the AOFverse AMA quiz now for a chance to win $10 in AFG!

The form will remain open for five days from publishing this AMA recap.

AOFverse AMA - AFG Giveaway Section

KuCoin and Amulet have prepared a total of $2,000 in AFG to give away to AMA participants.

1. Pre-AMA activity: $800 in AFG

2. Free-ask section: $50 in AFG

3. Flash mini-game: $400 in AFG

4. Post-AMA quiz: $750 in AFG

Sign up for a KuCoin account if you haven’t done so yet, and ensure you complete your KYC verification to be eligible for the rewards.

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