
What Is Space Falcon (FCON) And How Does It Work? | KuCoin Crypto Gem Observer

2022/01/24 09:21:37

Imagine exploring a whole new universe from the comfort of your home? Better yet, imagine doing it and earning an income on the side? That’s right. The exciting lifestyle of an explorer without the downsides of exploration. This is exactly what Space Falcon is offering in their new Play to Earn Falcon Metaverse. Combining the benefits of NFTs with galactic conquest, the project provides gamers with the opportunity to explore new galaxies, progress through a story mode and even build their own empires.

What is Space Falcon?

Space Falcon is a classic space shooter game integrated with a blockchain reward system. It involves 3D gameplay in which players can progress through a story mode. During gameplay, players will be able to own galaxies, planets and other extraterrestrial assets that can be acquired during the later stages. All assets will be tradeable throughout an in-game marketplace and can be sold for a profit.

Due to the integration of NFTs, all in-game purchases give players full ownership of what they buy, and earn through gameplay and craft. This means players can spend time crafting unique NFTs then sell them on to make extra money. Alternatively, they can use them to enhance gameplay and their overall experience.

At the start of the game, players have the option to choose from two different gameplay modes. They can choose a retro-themed 1980’s space exploration, or alternatively, they can take a trip to the future with futuristic 2080 galactic travel. Both options provide players with unique gameplay experiences and allow players to choose gameplay that best fits their interests.

What is FCON and what is it used for?

FCON is the native token for the Space Falcon. It provides players with the ability to unlock in-game features. The token has been designed to match the growth of the in-game economy, providing a common standard for in-game features. It has a total supply of 20,000,000,000, with an initial supply of 540,000,000. The token will be issued on the 24th of January 2022, at a price of $0.002. Gamers also have the option to stake their FCON if they’re not using this. By doing so, they’ll be rewarded with the game's in-game currency, FGOLD.

FGOLD is the in-game Falcon Metaverse universal currency. It can be earned in two ways. Firstly, players can stake their FCON as stated above. Alternatively, it can be earned through gameplay. All in-game transactions within the Space Falcon Metaverse will be completed with FCON. This includes the purchase of extraterrestrial land, imposing in-game duties on other players, or a charge for passage tolls and much more. As the currency will only be available in-game, it will not be tradable or listable on any external market. However, it can be used to collect rare NFTs and other in-game investments that will allow players to earn more of the currency.

How does Space Falcon Work?

The Falcon Metaverse consists of three main components. Falcon Missions, Falcon Galaxies and Falcon Metaground.

Falcon Mission is designed to be a classic shooter game in which players can upgrade and build their own spaceships. These spaceships are tradable NFTs and can be modified to match a gamer's gameplay preferences. This gameplay involves 10 unique stages. At each stage, players will unlock new spaceships and upgrades to become stronger and overcome the challenges of the next stage.

Falcon Galaxies offers players the opportunity to own their own galaxy. They can earn this by completing important missions throughout the game. Similar to spaceships, galaxies can also be traded as an NFT. However, owning a galaxy also allows players to earn lucrative rewards. Galaxy ownership allows players to take part in a revenue sharing model. This model will tax players visiting their galaxy, thus working as a passive income for each visit.

Falcon MetaGround is a neutral galaxy in which crews can gather and interact with one another. It’s similar to a virtual space bar where players can meet like-minded gamers share a drink and some tricks they’ve learnt throughout the game. This gameplay offers an immersive VR experience, in which players feel like they’re at a real galactic bar. Players can also purchase spaceship upgrades, weapons and sell any NFTs they no longer want.

Who created Space Falcon?

Space Falcon was founded by Amit Kolambikar. Amit started his career as a front-end developer with Upgrad, one of India’s largest online education platforms. He later branched out into frameworks such as ReactJS and NodeJS whilst working as a Senior Software Engineer at Mphasis Wyde. He later moved to liquid, in which he built a Quick Exchange and “Buy with card” widget. During these projects, Amit was also working on the side to expand his fintech knowledge- particularly in the areas of Web3 and Ethereum smart contracts. He has since spent the last 6 years building large front end web applications with a focus on complex single page consumer facing web applications. Now, he plans on taking things to the next level with the Space Falcon.

What is Peercoin

Peercoin (also known as PPCoin and PPC) is a peer-to-peer payment system created in August 2012 by developers Scott Nedal and Sunny King that uses a hybrid issuance system - it is possible through performance of work (PoW) or payment of share (PoS). It uses SHA-256 as its hashing algorithm.

The technical implementation of Peercoin has a lot in common with Bitcoin.The Peercoin source code is distributed under the MIT/X11 license.

A special feature of Peercoin is that there is no hard limit on the total amount of issuance, which is designed to end up with an annual growth rate of 1%.

The structure of the Peercoin blockchain is similar to the Bitcoin blockchain, using SHA-256 hashing and PoW technology - a new block is added when a small enough hash value is found. The average time to generate a new block is around 10 minutes.

Peercoin transactions are irreversible, i.e. there is no mechanism to return peercoin in case of error, fraud, change of intent.

Online services allow Peercoin to be exchanged for fiat money, bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies

New peercoins can be obtained in two different ways: through mining or foraging. New blocks are generated every 10 minutes on average.

No special skills are required to mine the coins. There is also no need to install any paid software. Setting up the process takes a small amount of time.

Closing Thoughts

Space Falcon is one of the first P2E games that offer players a well-rounded experience. Not only does the game provide players with limitless NFT opportunities, an exciting in-game currency and the chance for passive income, but it also promotes community play and a more relaxed gaming style for when gamers need some downtime. With a lot to offer and plans for additional developments, it’s definitely a game we’ll see in the spotlight in the future. KuCoin will list Space Falcon (FCON) and open the FCON/USDT trading pair on January 25th. Let's wait and see it.

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