
Automate Actions On-Chain and Off-Chain Without Having To Code — KuCoin AMA With GraphLinq Protocol

2021/06/08 06:07:06

Dear KuCoin Users,

Time: June 4, 2021, 13:00-14:17 (UTC)

KuCoin hosted an AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) session with Rishabh Anand, Chief Marketing Officer of GraphLinq Protocol, in the KuCoin Exchange Group.

Project Introduction

GraphLinq is a no-code protocol that allows anyone to automate crypto-oriented on-chain and off-chain actions without having to code. GraphLinq's ecosystem consists of a simple app and an advanced IDE for nocoders, analytics platform, and an upcoming Marketplace for buying and selling templates.

GraphLinq’s Engine, IDE and App enable users to deploy automations based on events triggered on-chain, which can be linked with over 150 logical blocks (new blocks are currently being added every week) to perform conditional-based actions. All of this happens within the GraphLinq app, by simply entering the variables, and can be further taken to the next level by using the simple drag and drop blocks, with no code required.

GraphLinq also has pre-made templates available for users who have no knowledge about the technical terms, so they can simply change some values here and there and deploy their automation without worrying about anything. They are also encouraging early users to build templates on top of GraphLinq for new users, for this they will have a marketplace where GLQ will be used to buy and sell templates peer-to-peer.

Official Website:


Follow GraphLinq Protocol on Twitter and Telegram.


Rishabh Anand — Chief Marketing Officer at GraphLinq Protocol

Rishabh has been an active blockchain and crypto evangelist for the last 4 years. He is currently working on making DeFi and crypto mainstream, with GraphLinq's no-code protocol for DeFi-oriented automation(s). With profound experience in building communities and growth in the crypto space, Rishabh is focused on pushing GraphLinq's adoption further by spreading the project's vision to the right audience.

Q&A from KuCoin

Rishabh: Hello everyone present here today! I'm glad to be here and looking forward to delivering an insightful session about GraphLinq today.

Q: Please briefly introduce yourself and share with us how GraphLinq started.

Rishabh: Talking about myself, I entered the crypto space back in 2016, and since then I have been involved with marketing and growth in the space, helping startups to build communities and grow.

On the other hand, the developers and co-founders of Graphlinq Protocol, Frederick and Nicolas, are very well versed with technical concepts. Frederick is an engineer graduate from one of the most prestigious institutes in France,, and Nicolas has around 10 years of experience in development. Nicolas and Frederick realized during their prior jobs that there was a need for automatization in a lot of aspects, and they found it possible to do so.

Thus, with GraphLinq Protocol, we aimed at building an interface which lets organisations, individuals, and newcomers build automatizations on top of blockchain/DeFi protocols without having to code. We didn’t stop here, we wanted to give the builders on GraphLinq complete freedom as the developer has by also giving them the benefit of fees charged on the basis of nodes executed. Thus, the user on GraphLinq Protocol only pays for the nodes executed.

So, when we had this platform ready, my main emphasis was to deliver the vision to the right audience on how GraphLinq Protocol is the way to go for professionals as well as newcomers, without requiring code at all.

Q: How to automate actions on-chain and off-chain without having to code?

Rishabh: It's very simple actually, just go to; choose a template, change your desired value, and deploy! Voila!

We've launched a new and easier interface for nocoders for deploying graphs instantly without using IDE and zero coding on

Step 1: Give your graph a name and choose a template

Step 2: Fill/edit your preferred variables

Step 3: Click on “Deploy” and view logs on “My Graphs”

Read more:

It's one of our top priorities to make DeFi/crypto/blockchain-oriented automations accessible to all, all nocode! We're adding more templates and block integrations regularly! Last update:

We have a new IDE update to share today as well, will do after the AMA!

Q: Can you explain more about GraphLinq and its features?

Rishabh: Sure, so GraphLinq is a no-code protocol for building crypto/DeFi-oriented automations, in simpler terms think of what WordPress did for non-developers. We currently have an app where you just need to change values in pre-made templates to deploy your automations, and an IDE: where you can use our high powered drag and drop feature to build and connect your ideas using more than 150 logical blocks that are available on our protocol.

For instance, you can build a Telegram bot to retrieve a detailed live price update of any token you choose (we built one for Matic and showed it on a tutorial how we did that from scratch: We also have pre-made graph templates available on so users can simply come in and use the template to make their automation in a few minutes. You can also track whale movements in specific blockchains. You can send push notifications and emails to all of your smart devices based on on-chain/off-chain triggers and there are many more possibilities with GraphLinq, all nocode!

Our vision is simple, we want to give the easiest development experience to our users without needing them to code. GraphLinq Protocol is not just for non-developers, it is also for developers who can build templates (that too nocode) on top of our protocol and sell it on GraphLinq Marketplace (which will be available soon). We’ve already started doing YouTube tutorials for developers so they can build templates from scratch, it still doesn’t require coding, but a basic idea of development is necessary for building things from scratch. Our vision is to onboard as many as developers possible who will build and sell GraphLinq templates on our marketplace, and the non-developers/newcomers will be able to simply use pre-made templates from the GraphLinq team, or buy particular templates from the marketplace as per their needs to deploy their tools in less than 10 minutes.

We've also recently launched GraphLinq Analytics which offers visualization of data for GraphLinq, our partner Unicrypt, and next we're adding support for our partner Polygon (Matic).

Q: What are some major milestones GraphLinq has achieved so far and what can we expect in the future?

Rishabh: We love to talk/brag about this, as we've been staying ahead of our roadmap so far.

Before we conducted our ILO, we already had our platform live. |

So, since our token was launched on March 21, 2021 our team has been working tremendously hard. We are way ahead of our roadmap already.

Here are a few accomplishments that we are proud of:

  • Partnerships: Polygon (Matic) for Layer 2 solutions, and announced support for Matic on our Engine, IDE and Analytics; Unicrypt Partnership
  • Listed on: Uniswap, 1inch, 0x Protocol,, CoinTiger, SmartDEX, MXC and KuCoin
  • GLQ Staking v1.1.0 launched on
  • Updates: Engine Upgrade: CEX, Bitcoin Network and Auto-Swap On Uniswap integration, 5 new languages added to website, IDE v1.2.0 upgrade (updating regularly, last update today)
  • Launched GraphLinq Analytics with support for our partner Unicrypt
  • We already have over 180 logical block integrations now on our IDE
  • Concluded Launchpool on MXC (users staked BTC, USDT, MX, KSM for GLQ)
  • Concluded farming on top of Polygon on SmartDEX
  • Integrated “Buy GLQ Via Fiat” on

And in the near future you can expect more partnerships, more logical blocks integrations on our IDE (like ERC20 deployment, NFT deployment), GraphLinq Analytics support for our partner Polygon (previously Matic), GraphLinq Marketplace, and much more!

Q: Can you tell us more about your partnership with Polygon/Matic?

Rishabh: Our partnership with Polygon is not just limited to layer 2 solutions, but also for adding support for Polygon on our IDE, App and Analytics. We’re launching connectors for the Polygon chain on our IDE and Engine, so users will be able to set event triggers on Plygon’s blockchain and perform conditional actions based on it, without having to code. For example, if transactions on Polygon network rises by x% in last n minutes/hours, users can send alerts over Telegram, send a tweet, put buy orders for Matic on Binance (or other GraphLinq supported exchanges), and many more possibilities are there, all nocode and with pre-made templates as well. For our analytics, we’ll show visualization of specific sets of data from Polygon’s chain and display it on our platform. We’ll make use of our IDE and Engine to build this interface.

Our experience with Polygon has been tremendous! More about our partnership with them can be read here:

Q: What will the future of GraphLinq in the decentralized finance revolution look like?

Rishabh: We are strong believers of decentralized finance and we are sure it has a growing and bright future. GraphLinq developers are constantly adding more logical blocks on the platform. We want our no-code protocol to be the go-to place for making crypto/DeFi-oriented automations. Our next milestones are to add integration for deploying smart contracts on top of GraphLinq Protocol without having to code. Users will soon be able to deploy tokens, set lock-up periods, NFTs, etc. on our platform without having to code at all. So all of this is a near future goal. But if we talk about the long-term view, you can expect a large community of developers on GraphLinq Protocol that will be building and adding new integrations/templates on the marketplace, and tutoring nocoders to easily use the template and deploy their own graph within just a few minutes. Last year the trend was DeFi, this year it is NFT, we already have all of these integrations available on our platform already.

All of the upcoming trends on blockchain/crypto will be supported with GraphLinq, making it the go-to place for nocoders in the crypto ecosystem.

We also have launched GraphLinq Analytics where we are adding support for our partners Unicrypt and Polygon, both of them being at the forefront of DeFi revolution. We’ll continue to add support for our upcoming partners.

Unicrypt is live on GraphLinq Analytics already: Polygon (Matic) is next.

Also, with our growing number of partnerships, we aim to integrate prominent solutions in the industry with GraphLinq to widen the scope of building on our no-ode protocol.

Q: How does GLQ Staking Interface work on GraphLinq App and what can we expect in future?

Rishabh: We recently launched the staking interface, just earlier this week. Glad you brought it up. So GLQ Staking on our interface is currently offering up to 50% APY to our users for a limited time only, and the staking rewards will be adjusted very soon. Currently we have 3 tiers for stakers —> Tier 1, 2 and 3. Everyone who stakes, first comes into Tier 3 and gradually gets onto the higher tiers as more stakers join in or stakers in the higher tiers lose their rank.

First 15% stakers -> Tier 1

Next 40% stakers -> Tier 2

Rest -> Tier 3

To put it simply, the longer one holds, the more his rank is likely to get to the next tier with higher APY. At each withdrawal, staker will lose rank advantages, incentivizing the holders the most.

The first withdrawal decreases APY by half (if they’re not on tier 3 already), and the second will take the staker back to the last tier with the least APY. However, adding more GLQ or claiming yielded GLQ will not affect tier ranks or rewards in any manner. Claimable GLQ can be tracked and claimed alongside viewing other staking details in real time on the staking interface. In the future, we may upgrade to newer versions of staking with a prior announcement. We’re also discussing the possibilities internally to add staking support on other blockchain(s) as well.

To get more insight about the staking interface, one can head onto:

Free-Ask from KuCoin Community

Q: Can you list 2/3 killer features of your project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

Rishabh: GraphLinq can interact with a smart contract with no human interaction. For example, you will be able to trigger an alert and trigger an auto-swap on Uniswap based on a price like a stop loss on-chain, or any other condition you set.

However, our supposed competitors make automation of tasks like for example watching over new Ethereum deposits on a specific address and alert you when you're receiving one. GraphLinq has another way of thinking about those kinds of tasks. You can create your own graph and decide what will happen on the new Ethereum deposit easily almost like you were a coder, based on all the 180+ logical blocks available, with more being added regularly. Event-based triggers and condition-based triggers.

More flexible - more programmatic, without having to write code!

Q: How is GraphLinq Protocol development going? Can you describe in detail current development efforts, market expansion plans, expected applications, and when will they become commercially available?

Rishabh: GraphLinq's IDE, Engine and App have been live since March with new development updates being added regularly. Last month, we launched GraphLinq Analytics with support for Unicrypt. Next, we're adding support for Polygon (Matic) on our Analytics, as well as on our Engine, IDE and App.

Our recent integration on our nocode protocol was: Bitcoin network integration and auto-swap on Uniswap. We'll also be adding support for ERC20 and NFT deployment from within our no-code platform and much more! To learn more, check our roadmap:

Q: I love the new staking interface (even though I’m in the 200’s). My question is how long will the current APY for staking tiers last for? Is there an ‘X’ amount of stakers that will trigger the change, and are you able to tell us what it will be changed to?

Rishabh: Glad to hear that you are one of the GLQ stakers and an active member of our community. The current APY rewards are of course temporary and only to celebrate the launch of our staking interface. We'll announce this week a date until the current APY stands and then the rewards will be adjusted.

Q: So, using GraphLinq, can I build trading bots and price/TVL trackers or even portfolio tracking and notification features?

Rishabh: We have trading blocks available for Binance, MXC, Uniswap as of now and will add support for more CEX and DEX. So yes you can build trading bots, price and TVL trackers and even portfolio tracking and notification features. All of that is possible. For example, this Twitter bot was made using our platform: and also this interface as well:

Q: I get it you're trying to create DeFi/crypto/blockchain-oriented automations accessible to all regardless of coding. But, what extra benefits are there for coder and CSE engineers and coders like me? Are there any advantages for us?

Rishabh: Yes for sure. Because you understand the technical terms, you can easily build complex graph templates using our IDE without having to code. Just go through our documentation:, create graph templates, and sell them on our upcoming marketplace in exchange for GLQ. Because Marketplace launch is still not launched yet, we're considering to reward users who are building useful templates using GraphLinq.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to share or you want us to know?

Rishabh: I would like to say that I am overwhelmed with all the questions and enthusiasm. Apologies to anyone who didn't get their answer, there were like a hundred questions from the community and time only permitted to answer 5. Please join our Telegram and ask your questions here -> Would be happy to answer you all there.

Follow us on our Twitter:

Giveaway Section

KuCoin and GraphLinq have prepared a total of 47,000 GLQ to give away to AMA participants.

1. Red envelope giveaways: 15,800 GLQ

2. Free-ask section: 1,200 GLQ

3. AMA activity: 30,000 GLQ

Activity 1 — Quiz: 20,000 GLQ

Activity 2 — Price Guess: 10,000 GLQ

. . .

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