
Joint AMA of Johnny Lyu & Tokoin — Full Transcript

2021/06/28 09:44:24

Dear KuCoin Users,

Time: June 24, 2021, 11:00-13:00 (UTC)

KuCoin hosted a joint AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) session with Eddy Christian Ng, COO of Tokoin, and Johnny Lyu, CEO of KuCoin, in the KuCoin Exchange Group, sharing the latest exciting news from KuCoin and Tokoin and the future of their collaboration.


Eddy Christian Ng — COO of Tokoin

Johnny Lyu — CEO at KuCoin Global and Co-Founder of KuCoin

Guest Host: Vici — Business Development of Tokoin


Vici: Hello KuCoin Exchange Community! So glad that KuCoin and Tokoin got a chance to talk and discuss together here!

First of all, I want to introduce myself. My name is Vici from Tokoin as their Business Development. I'm here together with Tokoin's COO, Eddy Christian!

Eddy: Hello KuCoin community! Glad to be here.

Vici: And today, we will talk and discuss with our special speaker, the CEO of KuCoin Exchange, Johnny Lyu!

Johnny: Hi, nice to see you all!

Vici: Nice to see you too, Johnny! Welcome to our AMA!

Eddy: Hey Johnny, glad to be here in your home.

Johnny: Hey Eddy, nice to see you!


Session 1

Vici: For the first session, I will ask both of you, Johnny and Eddy, the same questions. From here, I wanna see perspectives from you both.

Eddy: I am ready.

Johnny: Me as well.


Q: Could you please give us the latest updates here, both from KuCoin and Tokoin?

First from Johnny, then continue to Eddy.

Eddy: Great start, Vici.

Johnny: Sure! One exciting news I’d like to share is that KuCoin has recently been rated as one of the Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges for 2021 by Forbes. We all see it as a recognition of our recent endeavors.

Although the crypto market has seen a big correction lately, we never stop BUIDLing around KCS. In early June, we launched the KuCoin Win platform, which uniquely features both entertainment and token initial distribution to allow a wider user engagement through a low threshold while playing the games. Since KCS works as the “entry ticket” to participate in the games, the growth of the platform will contribute to the demand of KCS.

Eddy: Wow.

Johnny: And another milestone that will positively impact KCS is the mainnet of KuCoin Community Chain (KCC) launched a few days ago. It is a decentralized public chain built by the fans of KuCoin and KCS. At the same time, KCS is used as the only fuel for KCC to empower the Dapps running based on it. We are gradually launching more incentive plans to attract more devs to join the KCC, building a vibrant decentralized ecosystem together.

Last but not least, we completed the latest and also the biggest KCS burn early this week. About 5.7 million worth of KCS has been burnt, making KCS the exchange token with the lowest supply.

Furthermore, in the next quarter, more centralized apps on KuCoin Win and decentralized apps on KCC will continue to benefit the long-term value of KCS. The KCS burn will continue, and the new KCS Bonus Plan with more returns is expected to be live.

Vici: Wow, Johnny! What an achievement! Congratulations as well to the KuCoin team that already worked hard for this!

Johnny: Thanks. I am excited about all of this as well.

Vici: That's awesome! I hope these will give fresh air to our community!

Johnny: How about Eddy, any exciting news to share from Tokoin?

Eddy: It is all so exciting, Johnny. I always believe in what you guys are doing and developing.

As for Tokoin, we SURVIVED COVID-19 in 2020, and we have REBORN, Bigger, Better, and STRONGER.

Our focus has always been the same; we focus on building the technology where we launched our research and development team in Vietnam at the end of April, where it is going to help everyone with blockchain technology.

Johnny: Cool!

Vici: Yes, I love that energy! Reborn, bigger, better, and stronger! Claps for Tokoin!

Eddy: Secondly, we are focusing on bringing DeFi to a larger market where we focus on developing our native token $TOKO to be used in many other pairs through DEX.

Third, we are also in development for an NFT marketplace in Indonesia to help all the creators to be in the spotlight in a global market; of course, $TOKO will be the governance token to the platform.

Lastly, we will be launching a crypto-focused fund to help young projects to raise funds and help them grow by using the TOKOIN ecosystem.

I would like to also share that today, we open a pair of trading with KCS and love the excitement from the community.

Vici: Wow! DeFi and NFT! A very good move, Eddy!

Eddy: Yeah.

Vici: Alright! Before we move to the second question, if you guys want to find out about us or want to join our community, you can find it here!



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Eddy: Thank you, Johnny and team.

Vici: Alright, moving on to the second question!

Q: Bitcoin has been swinging around 35k-40k for a while, good and bad news mingled in the market. We see Bitcoin goes mainstream with a new 401(k) retirement offering, while the SEC again warns investors against Bitcoin futures funds, highlighting its potential risks. Do you think the rapid adoption of Bitcoin will continue, especially in ASEAN?

Please, Eddy, the floor is yours.

Eddy: Thank you, Vici.

I definitely think that BTC will be the roots of crypto adoption; HOWEVER, I am sure that other tokens will be growing in their own use cases as well where especially in the ASEAN region, we have seen a tremendous adoption in the top 3 countries that have a large population such as Indonesia which is ranked number 1 and followed by Philippines and Vietnam.

Vici: Yes! Mass adoption is very important.

Okay, Johnny, what's your opinion about this?

Johnny: Most people at KuCoin, including me, are Bitcoin maximalists. So we don’t care much about the short-term price movements as we believe Bitcoin adoption, as well as its value, will be on the rise for the following reasons. Bitcoin and a few other major coins have proven their value as a safe-haven asset in the recent global inflation. It is predicted that the turning point of COVID-19 won’t come until the end of 2021, thus very likely the money printing in many countries will continue, resulting in more people that used to be just aware of crypto will take action to own some.

Another strong support of Bitcoin’s value comes from institutional investors. This is not a new story as GrayScale and MicroStrategy have been buying for months, while a good sign is that a number of traditional financial institutions are marching into crypto. The recent news I noticed is that BBVA, the second-biggest bank in Spain, makes its first crypto-asset trading and custody service available to all its private banking clients in Switzerland.

Vici: Nice one, Johnny!

Johnny: Thanks and the last point is that

At KuCoin, we believe blockchain and crypto will revolutionize the way we create and distribute value, and that’s why many developing areas may benefit more from the technology if they can be an early adopter. Singapore is quite ambitious on this, and Indonesia as well as Thailand are also quite open to this new tech. The attitude of the local government will somehow affect the investment willingness of local investors. I want to remind everyone that fraud and bubbles are common in most industries in the early stage, so always DYOR before making any important investment decision.

Eddy: Agree, Johnny.

Vici: Always #DYOR!

Eddy: I also believe in the fundamentals of crypto projects; it is a long-term game here, not just for short-term profit.

Johnny: Yes, that's true!

Eddy: That's why we at TOKOIN also believe in keep building our technology, team, and use cases.

Vici: Yes, always look at the long-term goal!

Nice Eddy! Yes, the team behind Tokoin is always striving for the best!

Okay! Moving on to the third question!

Q: What do you want to achieve from the collaboration between KuCoin and Tokoin?

Johnny, the floor is yours.

Johnny: Okay, thanks, Vici.

KuCoin is always keen to discover the next hidden gem, bringing them to the world to drive the mass adoption of blockchain. Our partnership with Tokoin started in 2019, and we are looking to deepen the collaboration in multiple aspects. I have agreed to be an advisor of Tokoin to help further develop the project in the global market. As you already know, the TOKO/KCS trading pair has recently been added to boost the liquidity of both tokens. In addition, KuCoin Labs is in discussion with the Tokoin team to see how both brands can grow together in Indonesia, ASEAN, and globally.

Vici: It means that KuCoin sees Tokoin as ASEAN next hidden gem, right?

Johnny: Yep, of course!

Eddy: Wow, Johnny, you answered everything already here.

Vici: Alright! Eddy, it's now your turn!

Eddy: For sure.

Vici: Yes!

Eddy: Like Johnny has said, we met each other in 2019 in Vietnam. I attended KuCoin's meetup and had a chance to have dinner with Johnny and the team. From there, we believe that KuCoin is the right partner for us. That's where we did our IEO on KuCoin, and it definitely has been a tremendous journey since then. We launched KuCoin Indonesia, and recently, we are honored to have Johnny as our Advisor.

Do wait for the next surprise from Tokoin, KuCoin, and KuCoin Labs.

TOKO/KCS pairing is the first step.

Johnny: Looking forward to it as well!

Vici: Wow, all these milestones start with a KuCoin meetup! That's amazing!

Session 2

Vici: Next question is for Johnny!

Johnny: Sure.


Q: I noticed that the mainnet of KuCoin Community Chain (KCC) just launched last week. It’s a great platform for the blockchain community. What is the following plan for the development of KCC? And how will KCS benefit?

Johnny: Yes, you are right. As the mainnet goes live, the "C Plan", namely the KCC ecological plan, is underway. That will be a foundation for us to continue to improve the entire KCC ecosystem. In the following weeks, more initiatives will follow: First, there will be ecological activities in the first phase of the "C Plan", which includes Grants Program, node voting, etc.

The cross-chain transfer of major assets will come next. Specifically, we will launch a cross-chain bridge for assets that allows users to transfer assets on their own; as of now, 100,000 KCS has been migrated to the KCC's mainnet, and more major coins like BTC and ETH will follow.

Though KCS is not built by a team from KuCoin but by fans of KuCoin and KCS, we can imagine that as the only fuel of KCC, the number of holders and the demand for KCS will both grow along with the expansion of the KCC ecosystem. We’ve already noticed a number of interesting Dapps running on the testnet of KCC. We will support the good ones and help them to have a successful landing on the mainnet shortly.

These are our following plans for the KCC!

Vici: Wow "C Plan"! The KuCoin team is always ready for everything!

C Plan = KCC! Nice one!

Okay, for the next question, Eddy, are you ready?

Eddy: Of course.

Vici: Yes! Love that energy!

Eddy: So excited to share.


Q: DeFi and NFT are still the top two trending topics in the crypto space! How does Tokoin plan to integrate its business with these two fields?

Eddy: Like I mentioned in the beginning, Tokoin will help Indonesian and ASEAN users and entrepreneurs to get access to our DeFi, where again $TOKO will be the natve token to be used as an entry which will bring the growth of $TOKO usage. On the NFT side, we will create a local marketplace where we feature all creators from Indonesia and ASEAN and market their digital goods/arts, etc., to the global market, and yes, $TOKO will be the governance token. What we believe in Tokoin is to create more adoption to the market. Oh, last ONE, we are going into online gaming, as we believe that Tokoin is NOT just about MSME, BUT about building adoption of blockchain in ASEAN and global markets.

Johnny: That’s so cool, Eddy!

Eddy: Thank you, Johnny.

Vici: Nice one, Eddy! Can't wait to see Tokoin's growth in the future!

Okay, Johnny, be prepared for the next question! Apparently, this is the last question from me before we open live questions from the audience!

Johnny: Okay.


Q: According to CoinMarketCap, KuCoin has already listed 370+ coins, slightly more than Binance, and the platform is always known for a wide range of alts. How does KuCoin discover the promising gems from numerous projects?

Johnny: Nice question, Vici! I have to say that: Finding crypto gems is a major factor in the rise of KuCoin, and is also one of our important tasks in 2021 and in the future. So we are happy to see that many acclaimed projects had their primary listing on KuCoin. To name a few, ICP, BOSON, AERGO, RNDR and DAO. It is indeed not easy to “Find the gem” from numerous projects; thus, we have been doing very comprehensive work. On the one hand, our blockchain project research team, which covers over 20 blockchain experts in multiple continents, will keep up with the industry trends to find more promising projects. On the other hand, all listing applicants will be reviewed in over 100 sub-criteria, and eventually, less than 10% of them can be successfully listed.

Plus, KuCoin established KuCoin Labs, focusing on crypto market analysis and research, as well as a $50 million fund to find the next crypto gem and empower the development of early-stage crypto projects. In addition, KuCoin Labs has joined the Polkastarter Council to further hone the selection process and quality of IDO participants. We also join forces with Solana and Boca Chica to signify a turning point for the upcoming Solana-based projects, as KuCoin Labs has now become one of the main seed investors for projects incubated on Boca Chica IDO platform.

Vici: That's quite a long process, Johnny! It's worth the process, then!

Johnny: In addition to that, an exciting news that I would like to share: the KuCoin Innovation Project Board will also be launched in the future, which will enable us to support early blockchain projects more quickly.

So there is profound preparation and all-round work for KuCoin to discover the promising gems from numerous projects.

Vici: $50 MILLION, guys! Oh my god! KuCoin Labs is brilliant, and yet we are still gonna have the KuCoin Innovation Project Board!

Thanks for your answer, Johnny!

Now, Eddy!

Eddy: Yes.


Q: Starting from Indonesia, Tokoin already has a big presence in the ASEAN market, does it have a plan to go global?

Eddy: The answer is ABSOLUTELY YES, as we have gained the trust of so many partners in the region, to name KardiaChain, TomoChain, and recently we are working closely with one partner that is going to bring Tokoin to mast*rcard network. We believe that Tokoin as an Indonesian project will become the hidden gem that arises on a global market. Thank you for the support of KuCoin Labs also —> we will announce soon our collaboration, maybe the 50 million will be a part of the collaboration sstttttttt

I should stop here

Vici: WOW, Eddy! When I said spill the tea, I didn't mean to spill a lot of tea here, hahaha.

That's amazing, Eddy! Thank you!

Eddy: Whoopsie.

Too excited here.

Vici: Hahaha, okay! Yes, me too!

Alright, guys!

I can feel the heat from this discussion! Whoop.

Free-Ask from KuCoin Community

Vici: Next, we will answer some questions from you guys!

Q: Mr. Eddy:

1. You have disclosed that you are in the process of developing an NFT market in Indonesia. Will this market be a local market unique to Indonesia, or will it be developed globally? What kind of features will Tokoin bring to the NFT market?

2. Which projects will benefit from the crypto-focused fund that you will initiate to facilitate the fundraising of young projects, and how will this fund be financed?

How will you choose projects for funding?


1. We will create a DEX where it can also become the marketplace for NFT.

2. Wait for the announcement. What I can share now is that the project will benefit from the Tokoin ecosystem.

Q: Hello Johnny!

According to your Innovation Project Board, what ambitions do you have regarding this?

Johnny: Our ambition is definitely to empower promising projects and facilitate the sustainable development of the blockchain and crypto ecosystem.

Q: Almost 80% of investors have just focused on the price of a token in the short term instead of understanding the real value of the project.

Can you tell us motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in the long term?

Eddy: You should look at how the project is focusing on. Are they just focusing on the token value, or are they actually building the use cases in any kind of way they can to help the adoption of crypto and blockchain in the ecosystem?

Q: What type of online gaming will you guys launch next? And does it really make them different from others?

Johnny: Please keep an eye on that. That should be interesting and will be full of creative ideas!

Q: Questions for Tokoin purposes:

Most of the questions people had during the AMA asked about the strengths of the project. So, at this time, can we talk about your difficulties and challenges? Have you faced any major problems in creating your project so far? And if so, how did you solve it? What is the status of your project now? Is there still a problem with your project?

Eddy: I think you have a good question to ask. Yes, of course, as a company, we definitely have challenges, especially during the pandemic where our target users are MSME, and during the pandemic, MSMEs are impacted big time. That is why at TOKOIN, we take an even bigger picture where we believe crypto adoption and blockchain will be needed the most, and Tokoin will build more use cases on top of that.

Q: COVID-19 has a bad impact in almost every sector. So, as a crypto project, how did it affect you? How have you and your team done the work in the pandemic?

Johnny: Actually, the most affected group are our users around the world. We initiated charity campaigns to help people cope with the increasingly severe challenges of COVID-19. For example, we partnered with Cashaa to deliver grocery kits to families in need in India in May.

Vici: Okay, everyone, thank you, and we do really appreciate your energy! To sum up, we are so excited to announce that Tokoin has KCS as our new pairing! We are happy to announce that Tokoin is currently working on a partnership for DeFi and NFT! KuCoin will also announce another partnership and news as well! Like the C PLAN!

Eddy: Thank you, Johnny and the KuCoin team, and OF COURSE KuCoin Community.

Johnny: Thank you all for this awesome night!

Vici: Also, I wanna share about our campaign! Yes, right Eddy?

Eddy: Yes


🔥TOKO Is Now Available for KCS Trading! Hold TOKO To Share a 1,600,000 TOKO Prize Pool!

⏰10:00:00 on June 25, 2021 to 10:00:00 on July 2, 2021 (UTC)


HOLD is GOLD, guys!

Alright, guys! What a night, whoop!

I wanna say THANK YOU to our speakers tonight, CEO of KuCoin Johnny and COO of Tokoin Eddy, to the Tokoin team, and special thanks to the KuCoin team!

Thank you, KuCoin Community! See you at the Tokoin Telegram group:!

Love you to the moon!

Giveaway Section

KuCoin and Tokoin have prepared a total of $1,000 ($500 in KCS and $500 in TOKO) to give away to AMA participants.

1. Twitter activity: $200

2. AMA quiz: $800

. . .

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