
Everything You Need to Know About Account Security on KuCoin

2022/06/16 10:00:12

Protecting account security is one of the most important aspects of investing in crypto. As one of the most well-known exchanges in the world, KuCoin puts in maximum effort to ensure that comprehensive security measures are set up to assist you in daily use and ensure the security of your account.

In this article, we will walk you through everything you need to know about account security on KuCoin, to help you better protect your KuCoin account and thus avoid any potential security inconvenience.

Tips to Better Protect Your KuCoin Account

1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Activating two-factor authentication (2FA) is one of the most secure ways to protect your KuCoin account and crypto-assets. KuCoin supports three types of 2FA: Phone binding, email binding and Google Authentication.

Two-factor authentication will help you secure your account during logins, withdrawals, API creations, and other operations by providing you with a temporary pass code that you will be require to submit during the operation you want to perform.

With two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled, you will not only get a "double protection" for your KuCoin account, but you will also get a convenient and easy step when changing your trading password or processing withdrawals from KuCoin.

2. Set up Your KuCoin Login Password in a Proper Way

There are two basic rules to set a proper login password:

  • Never make your password too simple.
  • Set a unique password for your KuCoin account.

It is recommended that your password should contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and even special characters to increase the security level of your password.

Here’s an example that shows how important it is to have your password set up in a proper way.

Password Safety Table | Source:

Setting up your KuCoin account with a unique password that’s different from your other accounts' passwords is also crucial. Having only one password for multiple accounts exposes you to further risk of getting your accounts hacked.

Additionally, changing your password regularly is a good way to protect your KuCoin account as it lowers the chance of any potential security breaches.

Please note that, to prevent potential attackers from locking you out of your account, there is a 24-hour withdrawal limitation once a password change action happens to your KuCoin account.

3. Enable KuCoin Trading Password

Another important step towards reaching maximum account security is creating your trading password.

Trading password is a 6-digit password used for important operations such as transactions, withdrawals, and API creation.

Having a trading password adds another layer of protection alongside your regular login password and 2FA.

4. Enable Login IP Restriction

This is a very effective feature that helps you avoid misuse of your account. By turning the IP restriction on, KuCoin can initiate the account protection mechanism.

Login IP Restriction

Whenever your IP address changes, you will be automatically logged out. With this feature, attackers have one more hurdle in front of them.

5. Use Anti-phishing Safety Phrase (Email/Login/Withdrawal Safety Phrase)

Phishing attacks are attempts at stealing your funds by obtaining your login credentials. Scammers often use fake emails and messages, or pretend to be official personnel.

In order to prevent exposing you to situations in which you aren’t sure if the email, message, or website is real, all KuCoin accounts have an anti-phishing security function. Users can set a security anti-phishing safety phrase (such as a motto, etc.) on their KuCoin account.

Anti-Phishing Code Setup

When logging into the website or receiving an email, your safety phrase will be displayed in the email from KuCoin or the login window. If the safety phrase is not displayed or is displayed incorrectly, it means that you are on a phishing site or have received a phishing email. In this case — do not proceed any further, and make sure you are on the correct website.

6. Set the List of Your Usual Withdrawal Addresses

KuCoin offers a security feature called Address Book that allows you to limit the wallet addresses that can be used to withdraw your crypto assets.

If you are using a certain address frequently, you can set up the withdrawal Address book and include them in the whitelist. All withdrawals to whitelisted addresses will require only the trading password.

7. KuCoin Official Media Verification to Help You Identify Any Unofficial Contact

We understand that the crypto market is riddled with frauds and scams, and that numerous investors have lost their investments to scams, frauds, and hacks.

To prevent any fraud in the name of KuCoin, we highly recommend that, before using our services, you confirm the official KuCoin contact or domain by entering the telephone number, email, WeChat, Telegram, Skype, Twitter, or website address in the exclusive KuCoin Official Media Verification.

Doing this will confirm that you are indeed on the KuCoin website, and not on any of the potential phishing websites.

8. KYC Verification to Better Protect Your Account With Convenience

Completing the Know Your Customer (KYC) verification can also help reduce any potential attempts of fraud.

Here at KuCoin, we strongly suggest our clients complete the KYC verification. Users with verified accounts can enjoy a higher daily withdrawal limit and participate in the fiat-to-crypto service provided by KuCoin.

When it comes to safety and security, in cases when the user forgets their credentials to access the platform or when malicious parties attempt to take over their account, verified KYC information will help the user recover their account quickly.

Solutions to Resolve Security Inconveniences

Whenever we use our online account, no matter how careful we are, we are exposed to potential security breaches. Sometimes, these breaches are unavoidable.

To ensure maximum crypto account security on KuCoin, use a combination of a strong login password, two-factor authentication (2FA), and trading password are the three most important ways to secure your account.

If you are still not sure how some of our security features work, please refer to the following KuCoin Help Center articles to better understand related solutions.

Closing Thoughts

KuCoin aims to protect users’ privacy and assets from infringement. Our security team has constantly been improving related mechanisms and performing periodic reviews to protect users’ privacy and assets.

However, it is also the responsibility and obligation of every respected KuCoin user to follow the best practices of securing their account in order to protect their KuCoin account and assets to avoid any security inconvenience. Make sure to take the necessary protective measures above to ensure the security of your personal information and accounts, and make your crypto secure.

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