
KuCoin AMA With Paysenger (EGO) — Creating the Ideal Social Environment Towards Mass Adoption of Blockchain Technologies

2023/07/14 07:50:57

Dear KuCoin Users,

Time: July 6, 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:22 AM (UTC)

KuCoin hosted an AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) session with the CEO of Paysenger, Stan Novi, in the KuCoin Exchange Group.

Official Website:

Whitepaper: Click to view

Follow Paysenger on Telegram and Twitter.


Stan Novi — CEO of Paysenger

Q&A from KuCoin to the Paysenger Team

Q: Please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your role at Paysenger.

Stan: I am Stan, the CEO and founder of, the best place for creators to monetize and provide exclusive access to their work and to get a deeper connection with their communities powered by Consensus. I am a seasoned blockchain enthusiast and an ambassador of Society 3.0. Have over 12 years of experience in web and mobile development. My passion for creating a more interconnected and collaborative world has driven the values and vision of Society 3.0, advocating for a future where technology and human potential seamlessly intertwine.

I have lived in Bali [Indonesia last five (5) years] and have a beautiful and super smart wife (she is Indonesian) and a baby girl who is almost two (2) years old (she was born the same week when we started Paysenger and received our first preseed round). So I have two babies, two years old: Yuna and Pasyenger.

I love to be in the center of web3 and create events:

CryptoExpo Dubai 2022 - Speaker / Winner -Nomination "Best Upcoming IDO"

World Blockchain Summit 2022 Dubai Co-host + Speaker

World Blockchain Summit Singapore - Speaker and a finalist in the startup competition

Outedge / NFT LA Winner of 1st place in startup hackathon

NFT. NYC speaker

ETH Denver / mainnet

Q: Tell us more about the Paysenger platform and its unique selling point.

Stan: Paysenger helps creators and experts build a closer relationship with their audience. In the web2 industry, you may have heard of services like Patreon, Cameo, Ko-Fi, and others, all of which have a natural limitation. Even though they provide the functionality to make money, audience engagement is still left to the influencers. With EGO token support, Paysenger can encourage your audience to perform targeted actions, increasing your income and strengthening your connection with your audience!

So Paysenger gives everything a web2 audience needs (including the ability to handle bank cards) and encourages them to move to web3 by unlocking the benefits of decentralization. You can only unlock 80% of Paysenger's potential using the EGO token. Still, even the remaining 20% is enough to compete with the industry-leading products and even surpass them in available functionality.

First of all, everyone can check the platform. It's already alive; you can download the app for the best experience. We have 500k+ users and 50k+ creators already waiting for you to join them.

In addition, Paysenger has implemented its artificial intelligence that allows you to create works in the unique style of artists on demand. In this way, Paysenger protects artists from the unauthorized use of their labor by artificial intelligence and helps them earn money.

Kindly check our latest video out on our Twitter page.

Q: What is a key differentiator between your product and other competitors in Web3?

Stan: First, because Paysenger has no limits, we can attract web2 users, allowing us to grow quickly. Our audience is not limited to web3 users; on the contrary, we attract many new users to web3.

Second that we have a team as nobody else in web3 usually do not have one of the founders already built one unicorn with 2000 employees and a $1b+ valuation

We can classify our competitors into two distinct categories. As a mass adoption project, we set ourselves apart from similar initiatives due to our innovative web3 component. This positions us well ahead of our web2 counterparts. Importantly, we are not merely a web2 product repurposed with an integrated token.

Our web2 competitors, such as Patreon and Ko-fi, are part of a larger group of over 300 services we have thoroughly analyzed. This analysis has provided insight into these platforms' limitations in meeting user needs. Most creator-focused services offer monetization options but must engage audiences in purchasing effectively. Paysenger addresses this challenge by utilizing daily tasks and rewards to incentivize audience participation and interaction, such as ordering personalized content, commenting, donating, and more. Users are motivated by token-based rewards.

Moreover, Paysenger expands the creator's audience and paying user base beyond those willing to use fiat currency. Active Paysenger participants, including students, can earn tokens and support their favorite creators, resulting in a broader audience than web2 competitors. It is essential to recognize that the redemption of tokens will not saturate the market. To withdraw tokens from the platform, users must first elevate their Paysenger account to the highest level, which requires burning many tokens.

Q: Can you share more about your plans and roadmap?

Stan: June (just passed)

Started our social impact partnership with the United Nations to support world ocean day (8th June), and creators do a lot of ocean-related content in Paysenger and mint it to sell and support oceans in future.

Moved our marketplace and platform from Polygon to BNB Chain (testnet). as BNB support us a lot, and we love to be part of their ecosystem

Established Telefonika strategy partnership (largest mobile operator in the world, and we will announce and spread Paysenger among their 300m users, will have an official announcement tomorrow. You are the first one who sees it already)


Launch our Ai models for creators (first launching visual Ai models)

Trust wallet partnership with app integration (+and other various wallets)

Until the end of July, we are going to main net BNB


Launching Affiliate programs for talent and creative agencies and labels to attract creators

Full gamification utility (people use tokens to upgrade profiles and chat with creators, get ai content and more features in-app)

AI update (Ai chat models for experts)

September-December 2023

Campaigns in Latam and SEA, 100k creators, 2m+ users

Ai update (Ai models for musicians)

Climate change forum (UNN partnership developing)

Listing at Binance (hope to reach needed metrics that BNB Chain provides us until the end of the year)

We are already generating revenue and planning to be profitable until the end of the year.

Q: Please tell us about the $EGO token. Its utility, tokenomics, and why should we hold it?


Main Utilities

The platform's full functionality can only be accessed by using EGO tokens, ensuring that the token's demand and usage remain interconnected with the platform's ecosystem.

  1. The platform allows users with EGO to connect and communicate with creators, request custom content, and offer financial support to help them continue creating.
  2. Leveling up: Using EGO tokens to level up their profiles, users can access exclusive benefits and opportunities, increasing the token's utility and driving its value within the ecosystem.
  3. Ai-generated content: users can request Ai-generated NFT from creators only using EGO tokens.
  4. NFT posts: The purchase of NFT posts using EGO tokens on the platform connects the token's economic model to the digital assets market.

Additional utilities

  1. Staking: Users can stake EGO tokens to receive rewards and benefits, promoting long-term commitment to the platform and contributing to the overall stability of the token's value within the ecosystem.
  2. Hype: Partnerships with leading influencers increase awareness and visibility of the EGO token, boosting its value and solidifying its place within the ecosystem.
  3. Marketing support: The platform's commitment to promoting the EGO token after the TGE and investing in innovative marketing strategies strengthens the token's position within the ecosystem, directly linking its economic model to the overall platform growth
  4. By rewarding token holders for their commitment and attracting new participants to provide liquidity and token locking in smart contracts, the platform maintains a strong connection between the token's economic and ecological models. This relationship ensures the overall health and sustainability of the EGO token within the platform's ecosystem.

Q: How does your platform and token lead to revenue generation for you?

Stan: The Paysenger has collected the best tools for making money. Such as paid chats, creating custom media content, selling works on the NFT marketplace, and accepting donations on a one-time and monthly basis. The ability to receive royalties for popular content (the pager has a good reward pool for cool creditors) and much more.

In addition, users can earn tokens on the product by completing targeted tasks to support creators. However, you can only withdraw them slowly and drop the token's price. First, you will need to burn a lot of tokens to level up your profile. Only loyal users, useful for the platform, as well as for creditors and experts, will be able to earn tokens.

We have a transactional business model and have % commissions from every transaction from brands or between users.

Q: Please tell us about community-related plans and Campaigns and if they can test the product and any potential rewards.

Stan: In the near future, we will launch a grant program in Zili, we have a fairly large number of loyal users (on average more than 10,000 chat messages daily), and we want to allow them to realize themselves for the benefit of EGO, you can subscribe to our communities and follow the announcements. In addition, we are doing joint ventures with KuCoin and Bybit right now.

It's good news for stakers; a farm will appear in the near future on one well-known DEX where you can supply liquidity.

In addition, a powerful ambassador program works; write in the chat, and they will help you)

The listing is just the beginning; the product must still be added to the main net. The real movement will start when we launch the token there. In the meantime, we will soon open a stacking program on our website and DEX, be sure to participate.

Free-Ask from KuCoin Community to the Paysenger Team

Q: When will your tokens be listed on the exchange, and which exchanges do you plan to list on in the future?

Stan: We have been listed on KuCoin and Bybit!

Q: Do you have an ambassador program? If yes, How can I apply?

Stan: Yes, we have an ambassador program! Please, join! Ask our team in telegram chats.

Q: Where can I currently buy tokens?

Stan: KuCoin and Bybit! Now please go and buy now. It will be available next in PancakeSwap!

Q: Did you consider community feedback/requests while creating your product to expand on fresh ideas for your project?

Stan: We had a lot of questions and feedback, and we were building a platform with creators and influencers!

Q: What are your top three things for priorities in 2023? Also, please share some plans for the upcoming year.

Stan: Paysenger AI, NFT utility collection, and onboarding more and more creators!

KuCoin Post AMA Activity — Paysenger (EGO)

🎁 Participate in the Paysenger AMA quiz now for a chance to win $10 in EGO!

The form will remain open for five days from publishing this AMA recap.

Giveaway Section

KuCoin and Paysenger have prepared a total of $2,000 in EGOto give away to AMA participants.

1. Pre-AMA activity: $1,000 in EGO

2. Free-ask section: $50 EGO

3. Flash mini-game: $400 in EGO

4. Post-AMA quiz: $550 EGO

. . .

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