
KuCoin AMA With MixMob (MXM) — The First Card Strategy Racing Game

2024/02/09 09:14:42

Dear KuCoin Users,

Time: February 8, 2024, 12:00 PM-12:58 PM (UTC)

KuCoin hosted an AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) session with the Executive Producer and Co-Founder of MixMob, Pavel Bains, in the KuCoin Exchange Group.

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Q&A from KuCoin to MixMob

Q: What key milestones has MixMob achieved so far, and can you outline the roadmap for the upcoming months?

Pavel: From the time we started development in January 2022, we released a version of MixMob: Racer 1 every 3-4 months. We went through 3 Alphas, then a Closed Beta and Incentivized Beta. Each time we learned something from the players, we worked to improve and add features.

For NFTs, we sold out the initial collection of 5,000 Gen0 Masks in December 2021. It allowed us to establish our community and first player base. Then, about a month ago we sold out 9,000 MixBots which are the Mario Kart-like characters you race with in our game.

We launched the First ever World Clash last October with $5,000 in Prize Pool, and we did a Tournament in Solana BreakPoint last November which had $10,000 in Prize Pool.

Between now and the end of June, we have a lot planned.

- In March, we will officially release MixMob: Racer 1 on mobile. This completes the two year development cycle and people will be able to play, race, wager, and stake in a complete loop with our MXM token.

- In April, we will launch our MXM Esports League. This is where MXM holders get to decide on the growth of a community owned league.

- After that will come Card Decks as NFTs, Breeding of MixBots and the launch of our own Marketplace.

To reiterate, this will all center around our official game release.

Q: Are there any exciting ongoing campaigns, promotions, or partnerships that the MixMob community should be aware of?

Pavel: In a matter of hours we are about to launch the Ch 7 of our Flip Web 2 Campaign.

This includes some exciting events:

- League Practice Nights

- Twice a week gaming sessions. (Our regular Game Nights that I host)

- Open to all.

- Chance to win $20 USDC and 450 SUD$ per session.

- League Qualifiers

- Weekly qualifiers for the MixMob World Clash.

- Prizes worth $720 USDC.

- MixMob World Clash 2

- A massive event with a $5000 USDC prize pool.

- Race2EarnGame Leaderboards

- Weekly in-game leaderboards with MXM rewards.

- NFTs & Staking

- Mask / MixBots Holders Crew Leaderboards

- Exclusive events for Mask/MixBots holders.

- Staking opportunities with significant rewards.

Q: Can you share some insights into the future plans and endeavors for MixMob? Any upcoming features, partnerships, or expansions?

Pavel: Let me share the roadmap image for everyone.|

Alpha Alert- in a couple of weeks we will be announcing the first brand license we have acquired that will appear in MixMob in 2024.

Above that we have several partnerships with crypto communities like BONK!, Mad Lads and others. We have ambitious plans with our partners where we level them up through an exclusive program. And depending on how their community performs, they advance.

Level 1- They get a special Gen0 mask that reflects their community. For example, there is the BONK! Mask. They can have this as their profiles in the game.

Level 2- They get a special GenO MixBot for their members. Now in this example, BONK community members can enter races with the MixBONK! They would be a team and ready to face off in tournaments together and win prize money.

Level 3- They get their own Turbo Arena. BONK! would have a custom race where BONK! holders get to earn the revenues generated there. This will be the hardest to achieve. We see this whole model as our version of “land” in other games.

Here is an example of what we will be doing with projects like BONK:

As you can see, you have the BONK Mask at the top left. On the bottom right, you can see the BONK cards. This is just a draft to give you an idea. The real arena will have more orange colors and more.

Q: What sets MixMob apart from other projects in the blockchain gaming space? Are there any unique features or aspects that make MixMob stand out?

Pavel: We have developed the world’s first card strategy racing game. This is Mario Kart meets Hearthstone. We blended two genres to give an innovative experience that is easy to pick and play, but difficult to master. People keep coming back over and over.

When racers play, they compete for crypto. We designed the model like a poker table. You pay an ante to enter the arena, and every time you win, you get more and more crypto. You could pay 3-20x your entry fee, but lose too many times, and you bust out.

We also implemented a fun wagering system for those who like fantasy sports and betting. Even if they don’t play, they can watch racers compete and then place wagers on them. For this, even the racer gets a percentage of the prize pool.

For the DeFi lovers, we have turned our racing arenas into liquidity pools. What this means is that by staking in an arena they get to collect the majority of fees generated there. This is similar to GMX. The cool part is the APY adjusts dynamically depending on the number of racers in the arenas. This adds an extra element as DeFi people can front run staking in arenas to maximize their yield.

We have built a game for everyone.

Q: How does MixMob actively engage with its community, and are there plans to further enhance community involvement?

Pavel: MixMob actively engages its community through regular surveys that incentivized participation and dedicated moderators managing our feedback channels.

Additionally, recurring game nights twice a week cater to different time zones (SEA and PST), fostering a sense of community through interactive gaming experiences.

The unique Sunday karaoke night, inspired by MixMob's lore, combines Racer 1 gameplay with community members showcasing their talents in the background, creating a lively blend of gaming and creativity.

These initiatives reflect MixMob's commitment to maintaining a vibrant and engaged community.

Q: Could you elaborate on the utility of MixMob's native tokens (SUD$ and $MXM) within the ecosystem?

Pavel: SUD$ is acquired by swapping or staking your MXM, it's a soul-bound in-game token. Utilize it for thrilling activities like entering trials or betting on live games. Earn more SUD$, then swap to $MXM and convert to your preferred currency.

$MXM is versatile governance token offers:

- Staking: 80% of last season's fees contribute to the staking pool. Stakers receive SUD$ at the end season, convertible to MXM.

- MixMob League: Participate in ownership, governance, and more.

- Arena Referrals: Invite friends to any arena, earning 10% of their arena profits. MixMob shares a percentage of the rake with players staking in the arena.

Q: In a competitive blockchain gaming market, how does MixMob plan to attract and retain users?

Pavel: Most blockchain games don’t know who their target market is. They try to be Web2 games and put blockchain in. Or they blockchain and say they aim at Web2 gamers. We are a crypto game for crypto natives. And these gamers want three things:

(1) to have fun

(2) to be able to earn

(3) to speculate.

Our game delivers all three as it's focused on the mid-core crowd who can pick up a game and play it while riding the train or waiting for food. It's targeted at Asia and Latin America. This is the population that loves mobile games and where people are adopting crypto the fastest. It's no coincidence our early beta users are coming in from these regions.

Aside from the hooks in the game that keep people coming back, we will be hosting live events and partnerships in specific regions. In November, we had a group in Manila for the Web3 Games Conference put on by YGG. MixMob was a massive hit there amongst attendees. Having a combination of online and offline events will be major for us.

Q: How do players earn rewards and benefits while playing MixMob: Racer 1?

Pavel: Our game and MXM economy is a flywheel that gives them all three.

First they come into the race. They can start for free, but it gets more fun and competitive when they decide to pay and enter an arena where they can “race 2 earn”.

Second, with their winnings they can bet on others and earn more.

Third, they have these winnings, now they can stake in racing arenas and collective passive yield by attracting more players to the game.

Our model is Race, Wager, Stake, and Refer. And it keeps going as the model retains and the player base grows.

Free-Ask from the KuCoin Community to MixMob

Q: What is the reason for having two tokens? Will both of these tokens be listed on CEX or DEX?

Pavel: You need two tokens to keep a stable economy. It helps balance the game. The first one, SUDS, only stays within the game. MXM is on exchanges. This is to prevent the Axie affect.

Q: Assuming I am either a user or an investor, what aspect of the MXM project do you think would entice me to invest? What elements of the MXM project would appeal to me?

Pavel: First is the stellar team. They come from FIFA, HALO, Nintendo, and more.

Second, the product is complete. You aren't buying and holding for years to see something. We will be delivering the official mobile game in March.

People will be playing and using MXM right away. Isn't this what everyone wants?

Q: This will be a very classic question, but games built on NFT these days often impose high costs to start the game and, resulting in a smaller player base. Does your MixMob Game have an entry fee or starting conditions? If so, what are they? Do I need to hold an NFT or a certain amount of coins to enjoy and participate inthe game?

Pavel: We have a free to play mode. You don't even need a Solana wallet. You can sign up with an email and we even pay the gas fees for you. You can start racing, competing and earning our in-game token—SUDS right away. You can enter the pay for arenas and have some fun.

Q: Could you please provide some tutorial videos or a YouTube channel where we can learn more about your project? It would be great to get a clearer understanding of your project.

Pavel: Here’s the link to our Official YouTube channel. We have lots of material there for you to learn about MixMob.

Q: What are the long-term goals and vision of MixMob, and how do you plan to evolve the game over time?

Pavel: First, our goal is for our first game, MixMob: Racer 1 to achieve critical mass success. It is for the mainstream, but starts with the crypto crowd. Our design can take this to Axie levels.

Second, is to build a full game economy where people can really earn from being in MixMob. It's not a grind, but a fun way to make money while playing. That is why we have so many parts to it.

Third, is to have a collection of games all using MXM, the same characters, and NFTS. We want to be like Mario where we can have a racing game, a fighting game, an adventure game and more.

KuCoin Post AMA Activity — MixMob

🎁 Participate in the MixMob AMA quiz now for a chance to win $10 in MXM!

The form will remain open for five days from publishing this AMA recap.

MixMob AMA - MXM Giveaway Section

KuCoin and Amulet have prepared a total of $2,000 in MXM to give away to AMA participants.

1. Pre-AMA activity: $800 in MXM

2. Free-ask section: $50 in MXM

3. Flash mini-game: $400 in MXM

4. Post-AMA quiz: $750 in MXM

Sign up for a KuCoin account if you haven’t done so yet, and ensure you complete your KYC verification to be eligible for the rewards.

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