
A Thank-you Letter From KuCoin Futures: We Futures, Bright Futures!

2021/08/06 10:00:00

This August, KuCoin Futures will celebrate its 2nd anniversary.

KuCoin Futures has grown fast and sound throughout the past two years with great support from our dear users. Looking back on our first day, from the initial launch in August 2019 to becoming one of the top 10 global Futures trading platforms today; from introducing the first Bitcoin Perpetual contract to supporting contract products of 60+ cryptocurrencies; from only supporting the web version to a complete web and app versions to meet the different needs of traders. The total number of registered KuCoin Futures users has exceeded 3 million. Beyond the unremitting efforts of the KuCoin Futures team, the joint contribution of all our respected users has greatly furnished us with our development. The valuable suggestions and advice from you have contributed to our source of innovation, and your tremendous encouragement has provided us with the greatest motivation to go forward.

KuCoin Futures would like to sincerely thank all our users for their great care and support for us over the past two years. On our second anniversary, we would like to invite you to join us and review the past two years of KuCoin Futures and enlighten our future together.

1. “User-oriented”: Sincerely serving global traders.

To meet the diversified trading needs of our users, KuCoin Futures has been continuously enriching its product system since its launch. In its first phase, the BTC Perpetual contract was the only product we supported. But within two months after the launch, we quickly provided the Delivery contracts to enable KuCoin Futures to stand at the forefront of the industry. Aside from enriching the product line, we also provided our users with more opportunities in hedging and arbitrage. Following that, we supported various mainstream and promising cryptocurrency contracts to diversify user-product choices with different trading strategy preferences; the contract’s settlement currency has also been expanded from COIN-margined settlement to USDT-margined settlement.

While providing a number of contract products, we also constantly optimize the user's trading experience. As a global trading platform, KuCoin Futures supports 13 languages to facilitate easy trade for global users. We launched the industry’s first LITE version of the Futures platform to help many novice users easily experience Futures Trading. Also, to lower the threshold of Futures trading and help users get started with it, we have published various tutorials such as comics and videos. In addition, we are also exploring more innovative contract gameplays. In August 2020, we launched the KuCoin Futures Brawl, which was eye-catching due to its brand-new feature of turning Futures Trading into a game mode. More than 200,000 users have favored the fun experience it offers.

Throughout the past two years, KuCoin Futures has successfully held more than 50 activities, with more than $6 million welfare rewards distributed to users. This year, we also launched the Futures Bonus Center to deliver more “gifts” to our users.

2. "Stronger Together" with Users.

With the support from our users, in our second year, the number of KuCoin Futures’ visits has increased by more than 20 times compared with the first year. The number of users with open positions has increased by nearly 54 times. If anyone will ask, what is the key to the rapid growth of KuCoin Futures? The answer is simply, "You".

With the firm belief that "users will best understand our product", we have been standing closely with our users for the past 2 years. We also appreciate that users have shared so many great ideas that motivated and inspired us to update a significant number of innovative products and functions.

The launch of the Futures Brawl brings more exciting gameplay to Futures trading. We have received positive feedback from our respected users who deeply enjoyed it: "This new contract battle game is exciting and makes the boring contract trading interesting. But it will be more attractive if you can team up with ‘PK’". As we cherish every valuable advice from our users, the 3V3 Futures Brawl gameplay was launched one month later. It provides a battlefield of 3 on 3 traders' battles to enable team competition in Futures trading.

The Futures Calculator function was also developed based on user demands. Across our Telegram, Reddit, and other social media platforms, some users requested a calculation function when trading Futures to quickly get the contract profit, liquidation price, and close price. So in early July 2021, the Futures Calculator function was launched, allowing users to calculate these critical data with one click and better assist users in making wise investment decisions based on market conditions.

Since March 2021, we have released nearly 20 user surveys, collected new suggestions from more than 70,000 users, and adopted hundreds of valuable suggestions, which are being implemented by us one by one.

Users not only inspire us in product innovation, but your support and encouragement also motivate us to move forward. In the past two years, we have received many voices from users, and those warm-hearted positivities are the best power to make us reach the end of pursuing perfection. Below are examples of the kind voice from our KuCoin Futures users:

“The Futures Brawl gave me a fun and easy way to get started with Futures, and the Futures Lite allows someone like me who is just starting out to ease their way into the Futures market. Both helped to form a basic understanding and foundation to build on. Thanks! ”

“I love trading Futures. My goal is to buy a house for my 3-year-old son, and investing is the way, especially crypto. Hoping my part-time security job and trading will one day help my son's future! Thanks, KuCoin and KuCoin Futures, for all you do!”

The users’ demands are our biggest source of innovation, and encouragement and positive feedback are the key driving force to our development. These "treasures" make us realize that KuCoin Futures is not just a trading platform but a stage that can help users discover their expectations; we are more determined to create a bigger bright future together with your full support.

3. "Pursue Dreams": Embrace a brighter future.

Every step and every second that KuCoin Futures took and spent over the past two years was full of responsibility and firm belief.

We hope that we can also become a trusted guarantee for your rights and interests beyond being a reliable product and service provider. Compared with the Spot market, the Futures market brings greater benefits while also creating higher risks. In order to further protect the rights and interests of users, KuCoin Futures will upgrade and adjust the leverage and initial margin ratio of some contracts in the near future.

We will continue to launch more innovative products and features. The KCS contract will be officially launched in Q4 2021, and the internal beta version will be launched in the near future. KuCoin Futures cross collaterals are expected to be online at the end of this year. The important updates of products and functions like KuCoin contract portfolio, KuCoin Futures trading system 2.0, and contract portfolio margin will be gradually launched in 2022.

On the occasion of the second anniversary of KuCoin Futures, we will have various great activities and surprising gifts to reward users for your long-term support with a million-dollar worth of bonuses. The celebration activities are diverse, rich, and fun. There are also exclusive gifts for both new and experienced users. Please stay tuned for a great celebration to enjoy these wonderful anniversary gifts.

Last but not least, the KuCoin Futures team would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to every user for their trust, support, and companionship. We hope that we will work together to create a bright future for KuCoin Futures.

KuCoin Futures Team

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