
Three Altcoins to Explore | Find The Next Crypto Gem? See The Latest Altcoin Trend with The Price Rally Of KCS, SURV & ROAR

2022/02/01 06:10:51

Bitcoin opened the week at just under $35,000 and by the end of trading on Saturday, its price was at $37,739, which was a better story than the massive losses of the previous week. For Ethereum, trading for the 7-days opened at $2,384 and closed at $2,560. The cheer for the two market leaders filtered down the entire market with most altcoins picking up price gains as the week’s trading ended.

The crypto winter might be described as unkind by investors so far, but the reality that crypto has seeped into the mainstream cannot be denied. Leading funds and investment houses have moved their wealth holdings into crypto and its futures, options, and investment certificates in recent months. The immediate effect of this is the movement of funds in search of arbitrage profits from loanable funds and existing portfolios.

With the Fed hiking interest rates, these investors are quick to go for the dump when the market is not bullish and to cut losses. Cost of funds plays an important role here; the net effect is that the return must be higher than the cost to make sense and add to the bottom line. From all pathways, it is becoming clear that the crypto market is becoming more correlated to macro factors, and investors need to keep abreast of this frontier.

For the week’s performers, KuCoin's latest projects such as SURV and ROAR all had a much better performance of KuCoin’s KCS leading the pack.

Notice: KuCoin does not provide financial advice. Please do your own risk assessment when deciding how to invest in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

KuCoin Token (KCS)

KCS price opening for the week was just about $15 and closing the 7-day stretch at about $17.47 to give investors something to cheer about. KuCoin token powers the KuCoin ecosystem as the native currency that makes it possible for traders to interact with the platform and draw value as well. Holders of the token profit from the price appreciation, and also enjoy incentives such as lower fees for transactions and other applicable bonuses from referrals and usage.

Traders using KCS enjoy up to 80 percent discount on trading fees on the KuCoin exchange. A long-standing practice on the exchange is the payment of bonus to holders of 6 KCS or more, split between qualified recipients from a pool of 50 percent share of daily trading revenue on the platform. Each trader’s reward is computed based on the number of KCS held. This incentive targets builders of the ecosystem, investors committed to advancing the platform, and holders of KCS.

Holders of KCS are also able to participate in token sales held on KuCoin Spotlight alongside such value props in LockDrop/BurningDrop that happens on the KuCoin Earn platform. Holders of KCS are also eligible to become VIPs on KuCoin, having a shorter route to unlock the amazing features that reduce maker and taker fees.

KCS is also used online for hotel reservations, shopping, value transfer, gaming equipment purchases and lot more.

Trade KCS and 600+ other altcoins on KuCoin

Survival Game Online (SURV)

SURV had a 7-day low of $0.2551 and a high of $0.8898, closing the week at $0.8970. SURV is the native token of the Survival Game Online ecosystem, which is s survival gaming platform that prioritizes competitiveness on the metaverse GameFi frontier. VR technology is at play here and users can be competing to earn value prizes in daily battles that could extend to seven games in a stretch, or as observers who look to earn rewards as they bet on possible game-winners.

The range of activities from observing, playing games, and placing bets, gives the platform a wide berth to encompass activities that can add value to its price and market cap. With gamers using the lounge, they get a feel of the metaverse and become participants in this unfolding world where actual reality merges with virtual reality on a single plane. The game props, the betting platforms, the prizes to win and joy of community participation are strong points for SURV.

Users on the platform need the platform’s token to play games, enter competitions, and to carry out any commerce or transaction. SURV derives its value from the strength of users on the platform, and as the participation grows, so will the value of the token. With the metaverse opening up in recent months and many projections highlighting its promise, SURV could be set to soar.

Trade SURV and 600+ other altcoins on KuCoin


ROAR had a low of $0.3527 and a high of $0,4957, closing the week at $0.3965. AlphaDex uses the triple advantage of yield farming, a decentralized automated market maker and an NFT launch solution to drive its ecosystem, which is live on the Ethereum Network.

The platform sees the high growth methodologies of DEX, the booming interest in NFTs and metaverse as well as its LP migration tool as real game changers that gives it a foothold in the marketplace. This is in addition to its moonriver presence, and high yield LP farming opportunities as pathways to its growth.

By combining facets of the market that has a high real-world acceptance, AlphaDex is set to advance its propositions to new heights, gain market share and expand its frontiers as the crypto market gets more entrenched globally.

Trade ROAR and 600+ other altcoins on KuCoin


The market segments that have shown some promise like the gaming, metaverse, NFTs and incentivized exchange tokens are areas to watch. The specific platforms with such value-propositions and potential for attractive returns will be the focus of investors as we move deeper into the year. Looking out for new projects in KuCoin spotlight will also enable investors to identify profitable opportunities.

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