
KuCoin AMA with GamerHash — Game-Changer for Gaming Generation

2021/11/04 13:17:23

Dear KuCoin Users,

Time: October 28, 2021, 10:00-10:58 (UTC)

KuCoin hosted an AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) session with Artur Pszczolkowski, CMO of GamerHash, in the KuCoin Exchange Group.

Official Website:

White Paper:

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Artur Pszczolkowski — CMO of GamerHash

Q&A from KuCoin

Q: What a crazy few days we have with GHX such a pleasure to have you here, Artur — the community is buzzing about your GamerCoin. Let's dig in — tell us a few things about yourself.

Artur: I have worked in the digital space for more than 15 years. During this time, I managed teams in one of the top Swiss corporations in Zurich, with a team of over 50 people.

The crypto journey for me started 3 years ago when I traveled to Zug when Vitalik was running an Ethereum ICO there — I just felt this new energy, and I was totally in.

I co-founded a few blockchain projects in Poland, but actually, GamerHash is taking 120% of my time. It's a really great one!

I’m an Oxford BlockChain Program Alumni with a broad network in the UK, Switzerland, and Poland.

Let’s finish about me! GamerHash is waiting!

Q: Can you give a high-level introduction of the GamerHash project?

Artur: Yep! GamerHash is an app that mines cryptocurrencies for you.

We direct the idle CPU and GPU of gamers to mine crypto. Gamers install our application on PC, and our system calculates real-time, which two out of twelve cryptocurrencies should be mined. There is always one crypto mined on CPU and one on GPU.

How profitable is it for the user? Currently, the average gaming PC mines $70 to $80 monthly, and we don't calculate 24/7 usage — just when the computer is idle (on average). Daily-earnings are sent on a daily basis to users, and they can withdraw their BTC to the wallet.

Of course, there is so much more to GamerHash than just mining, such as Play & Earn and GamerCoin!

We can be trusted as GamerHash is almost 4 years old and has more than 640,000 users!

Q: Who can use GamerHash?

Artur: GamerHash is for anyone who has a desktop computer or a laptop with at least Windows 7 (macOS and Linux app is around the corner) that is connected to the Internet and has around 3–5 minutes to register on and install the app.

Q: Tell us more about the GamerCoin (GHX)! How does it fit the GamerHash ecosystem?

Artur: That's our cherry on the pie!

GamerCoin ($GHX) is a native GamerHash platform token based on the ERC-20 standard.

In every single moment, more than half a million of our users are doing “earning & spending” transactions on the platform. GHX will improve this internal exchange and additionally will make mining and Play & Earn more profitable. As written in our White Paper, there will be an amount of the tokens monthly, which will be shared among gamers participating in the platform.

I have mentioned “spending” above. GamerHash has a marketplace included in the platform. Users can buy digital products out of +600 digital proposals — can pay for their Netflix or Spotify with us or go shopping with Amazon, or many get their favorite game.

Our tokenomics is very conservative. At TGE, our smart contract generated 880 million tokens, 36.6% were sold in private sale — we reached a hard cap of $2.8 million and got oversubscribed.

In general, GHX combines the top qualities of blockchain and gaming — it’s the perfect time for us. Just see what is happening with Sandbox, Enjin, Exeedme, and many others.

Q: As I can see on the GamerHash website, you have won some awards. Can you elaborate on that a bit more?

Artur: Indeed, we have won the top 3 conference pitch competitions.

In 2019, we won at the AIBC Malta Summit — for me personally, a great experience as I was pitching for the first time — and we have won! Important for me was that the decision was done by the investor’s panel — so they were following business KPIs in their decisions.

A week after, we went to Singapore to the Blockshow conference organized by Cointelegraph, and also we got an award there! From my point of view, it is worth mentioning that we got the pitching slot in the pre-speech competition — we got to the finals and in the end. Andy Creeze, the CMO of Cointelegraph, granted us a wild ticket. You should definitely check it out on YouTube.

Three months later, in January last year, we flew to Miami for the North American Blockchain conference and were awarded again.

I'm really proud of our team as it was a hard three years of work, and the awards confirmed our hard work and validated the strategic concept.

We are also nominated for the tokenization project of the year at AIBC Malta that will take place in mid-November, keep an eye on us!

Q: Will GamerHash join the NFT trend? Also, what are your plans for Q4?

Artur: Our priority now is the NFT marketplace, and we are working hard on it.

CZ from Binance said some time ago, adoption would come through gaming, as no one is more prepared than gamers to exchange digital assets. I truly believe that, too, this is why we would like the GamerHash Store (with hundreds of products already) to become a place where the NFTs from other projects are available — lots of interesting partnerships are incoming! During Q4, we will focus on creating and delivering the NFT marketplace to our users.

While doing so, we will take all the effort to make GamerHash a 1-million-user platform and have 75,000 mobile app users! How are we going to do that? We will launch a special referral campaign — and we got a lot of experience in that! Our CEO Patryk Pusch has been a serial entrepreneur and has had an affiliation company, so our referral program is in good hands.

What is more — very soon we will launch macOS, Linux beta desktop app and finally STAKING, you’ll be able to participate in it very, very soon (a hint: before New Year)!

Q: Why has GHX had such rapid growth (it reached $0.1 on Tuesday, $0.15 today!)? How can you comment on that?

Artur: Together as a team, we were very precisely preparing for Q4 — it's not an accident! We planned a number of great activities already from summer, and some of them we were delaying to happen now and convert as we can see today. So on the high level, we knew that Q4 would give us a great tailwind — our GamerCoin boat was ready in 120%!

To go into more details and to name a few of our activities:

- GamerHash has recently partnered with Purple Penguin and The Nemesis (huge Metaverse).

- Secondly — Just yesterday, the biggest European conference (AIBC Malta) announced that we are nominated for the TOKENIZATION OF THE YEAR award! We will challenge Socios & Dext — guess who will win?

- #3 — we are delivering our roadmap milestones perfectly. The GamerHash team already a year ago was creating an NFT ecosystem relating to NFTs and in-game collectible items — just think what they might have to us!

- And the last fact! Also, GamerHash is preparing to introduce GHX to other new reputable exchanges, guess to which.

Free-Ask from KuCoin Community

Q: Where can I buy your tokens now, what are your current contracts and how can I buy them, and what are the benefits?

Artur: As we are ERC20 — of course Uniswap and besides that — Bithumb Korea, KuCoin, and previously and now

GamerHash is based on a business model in which users receive an optimized tool to share energy computing. The consumption of electricity is comparable to the consumption generated by playing computer games.

Q: Security is the most important thing to consider when starting up a project. How secure is this project for users and investors?

Artur: We are more than secure. As a project regulated in Malta, we are checked and validated by government-appointed security bodies — both on the platform and smart contract side.

Q: I want to support your project. Tell us more about the ambassador program and in what ways we can participate?

Artur: Great question! Very soon, you'll be able to participate in our referral program that is in process.

Q: Is this platform suitable for crypto beginners, or does it only appeal to professional users?

Artur: Certainly yes!

We are tailored to the user's needs, and it means that our app is very easy to use. You do not need any specific mining or crypto knowledge, you just have to download the app and start mining or play to earn.

Q: Why do you still base GHX on ERC20 instead of other platforms such as Polygon, Solana, BSC, etc.? Do you have plans to change to these?

Artur: This is a very good question — we do have a good connection with the BSC team, so I assume it's a matter of time. Polygon is our 2nd layer solution. On top, we also have thoughts about Moonbeam — let’s see what Q4 for $GHX will look like!

Giveaway Section

KuCoin and GamerHash have prepared a total of 30,000 GHX to give away to AMA participants.

1. Free-ask section: 1,250 GHX

2. AMA activity: 28,750 GHX

Activity 1 — Quiz: 22,500 GHX

Activity 2 — Price Guess: 4,500 GHX

Participation Rewards: 1,750 GHX

. . .

If you haven’t got a KuCoin account yet, you can sign up here!

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