MXCToken Price

MXCToken (MXC) Live Price Chart

MXCToken Live Price Data

The live price of MXCToken is $0.00913, with a total trading volume of $ 17,221 in the last 24 hours. The price of MXCToken changed by +6.41% in the past day, and its USD value has decreased by -1.93% over the last week. With a circulating supply of 2.64B MXC, the market cap of MXCToken is currently 23.05M USD, marking a --% increase today. MXCToken currently ranks #-- in market cap.
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Note: This data is for reference only.

MXCToken(MXC) Profile

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About MXC

How can I buy MXCToken (MXC)?

Buying MXC on KuCoin is fast and simple. Create an account, verify your identity, deposit funds, and start your trading. It's that simple! See How to Buy MXCToken (MXC) for more information.

What Is MXCToken (MXC) Crypto?

MXC Token (MXC) is a cryptocurrency that plays a significant role within the MXC Foundation's ecosystem, which focuses on creating and promoting a global data network for the Internet of Things (IoT). The MXC Foundation aims to build a decentralized infrastructure for IoT data, facilitating efficient, low-cost data exchanges between devices and improving the overall scalability of IoT applications. The MXC token is utilized within this ecosystem for various purposes, including transactions, payments, and incentivizing participants.

A key component of the MXC Foundation's vision is the MXProtocol. The MXProtocol is designed to address some of the challenges IoT networks face, such as data collision, network congestion, and the lack of interoperability between different devices and networks. By introducing a smart bidding system and tokenized incentives, the MXProtocol encourages data transaction efficiency and network participation. This system allows devices to bid for network access, prioritizing data transmission based on the bid value, which helps to optimize network resources and reduce wastage.

The MXC token is integral to the operation of the MXProtocol, serving as the currency that powers transactions within the network. It is used to reward network participants, including data providers and network hosts, encouraging the growth and maintenance of the IoT data network. The MXC Foundation envisions a vast, decentralized network of IoT devices, all interacting seamlessly and efficiently, with the MXC token facilitating this interaction at the financial and operational levels.

How Does MXProtocol Work?

The MXC Foundation and the MXProtocol work together to create a decentralized network for IoT (Internet of Things) devices, focusing on enhancing data exchange efficiency, security, and interoperability. Here's a closer look at how they operate:

MXC Foundation

The MXC Foundation is a non-profit organization that builds and promotes a global data network for IoT devices. It aims to create a standardized communication framework to support the massive influx of data from billions of IoT devices worldwide. The Foundation oversees the development of the MXProtocol and the integration of the MXC token into this ecosystem, ensuring that the network remains open, decentralized, and accessible to all participants.


The MXProtocol is a decentralized protocol specifically designed for the IoT ecosystem. It addresses several challenges inherent in traditional IoT networks, such as data collision, network congestion, and interoperability issues, through a series of innovative mechanisms:

1. Smart Bidding System: To manage network access and prioritize data transmission, MXProtocol introduces a smart bidding system. IoT devices or their agents can bid for network access using MXC tokens. Higher bids get priority access to the network, ensuring that urgent or valuable data is transmitted efficiently.

2. Tokenized Incentives: The MXProtocol uses MXC tokens to incentivize various stakeholders within the ecosystem. This includes rewarding network hosts (individuals or companies that provide network coverage by installing and maintaining access points) and data providers (entities that generate IoT data). This incentive mechanism encourages the expansion and maintenance of the network, as well as the generation and sharing of high-quality data.

3. Interchain Data Market: The protocol supports an interchain data market, facilitating the buying and selling of IoT data across different blockchain networks. This promotes data liquidity and accessibility, enabling businesses and individuals to access the data they need easily.

4. Decentralized Governance: The MXProtocol employs a decentralized governance model, allowing token holders and network participants to have a say in key decisions, such as protocol updates and the allocation of resources. This ensures that the network evolves in a way that serves the interests of its users.

5. Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) Technology: The MXProtocol often leverages LPWAN technology to enable long-range communication at a low bit rate, which is ideal for IoT devices that need to send small amounts of data over long distances while conserving power.

History of MXC Foundation and MXC Coin

The MXC Foundation was officially launched in 2018 to create a global data network for the Internet of Things (IoT) using blockchain technology. The MXProtocol, as a key component of the MXC Foundation's vision for a decentralized IoT network, was also introduced around the same time frame. The development and launch of the MXC Foundation and the MXProtocol marked a significant step towards enhancing IoT data exchange efficiency, security, and interoperability on a global scale.

Here are some key developments in the MXC Foundation roadmap since launch:

1. MXC M2 Pro Miner Launch: The introduction of the M2 Pro Miner was a significant development for MXC. It allowed individuals to participate in the MXC network by mining MXC tokens through LPWAN technology. This miner is designed to be energy-efficient, lowering the entry barrier for participants.

2. DataDash App: The DataDash app was developed to provide users with a platform to manage their MXC mining activities, track earnings, and monitor the health and status of their M2 Pro Miners. It serves as a central hub for participants in the MXC ecosystem.

3. MXC Tokenomics and Staking: MXC introduced changes to its tokenomics and staking mechanisms to incentivize participation and secure the network. These adjustments aim to balance the supply and demand of MXC tokens, encouraging long-term engagement.

What Is MXC Token Used for?

Here are the primary uses of the MXC token:

1. Network Participation and Governance: MXC tokens are used to participate in the network's governance, allowing token holders to vote on key decisions and influence the project's direction. This includes decisions on network upgrades, funding proposals, and other important changes.

2. Data Transactions: The MXC protocol facilitates micropayments for data transactions across the network. MXC tokens are used as the medium of exchange for buying and selling data between devices, individuals, and organizations within the IoT ecosystem.

3. $MXC Staking and Network Incentives: Token holders can stake MXC tokens to participate in network operations, such as running a Supernode or participating in data transmission. Staking MXC secures the network and rewards participants with additional MXC tokens, creating an incentive mechanism.

4. LPWAN Gateway Access: MXC tokens can be required to access LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) services provided by the MXC network. This is particularly relevant for companies and developers deploying IoT devices that require low-power, wide-area connectivity.

5. Mining Rewards: Through MXC's M2 Pro Miner, individuals can mine MXC tokens by providing LPWAN connectivity and participating in the data network. This democratizes access to the network's benefits and rewards those contributing to its expansion.

6. Smart Contracts and DApps Integration: MXC can be used within smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) built on top of the MXC network. This enables a wide range of applications, from IoT data management to complex decentralized finance (DeFi) mechanisms.

7. Payment for Services: In the MXC ecosystem, MXC tokens are also used as a form of payment for various services, including transaction fees, network services, and access to specific features within the MXC infrastructure.

8. Decentralized Data Marketplace: MXC envisions a decentralized marketplace for data where MXC tokens can be used to buy and sell data. This marketplace aims to empower data producers and consumers, facilitating monetization and access to valuable IoT data.

9. Trade or HODL MXC Token on KuCoin: Trade MXC crypto against other digital assets on the KuCoin Spot Market to profit from changing market conditions and volatility. Buy, sell, or HODL $MXC after doing your own research (DYOR).

MXCToken (MXC) Price Movements ($)
PeriodChangeChange (%)
7 Days$-0.00016-1.61%
30 Days$-0.00132-12.51%
3 Months$-0.00567-38.19%
24H Investment Barometer
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MXCToken Conversion Rate
  • 1 MXC to USD$0.00913091
  • 1 MXC to EUR€0.00841109
  • 1 MXC to AUD$0.01394637
  • 1 MXC to KRW₩12.64
  • 1 MXC to JPY¥1.4
  • 1 MXC to GBP£0.0070966
  • 1 MXC to INR₨0.76446469
  • 1 MXC to IDRRp148.66
  • 1 MXC to CAD$0.01263408
  • 1 MXC to RUB₽0.78621179


How much is 1 MXCToken (MXC) worth?
KuCoin provides real-time USD price updates for MXCToken (MXC). MXCToken price is affected by supply and demand, as well as market sentiment. Use the KuCoin Calculator to obtain real-time MXC to USD exchange rates.
Is MXCToken (MXC) a Good Investment?

Here are some of the potential advantages of investing in MXC token:

1. Innovative Technology and IoT Integration: MXC is at the forefront of integrating blockchain technology with IoT. Investing in MXC means investing in a project that aims to revolutionize how devices communicate and transact data, potentially capturing a significant market as IoT devices become increasingly prevalent.

2. MXC Token Utility and Demand: The MXC token has a defined utility within the MXC ecosystem, including device transactions, network participation, and access to services. This utility can drive demand for the token, especially as the network grows and more devices and applications come online.

3. Ecosystem Growth and Expansion: MXC has been actively expanding its network globally through partnerships and deploying its technology in smart cities and other projects. As the ecosystem grows, the value of the MXC token could increase, reflecting the network's wider adoption and success.

4. MXC Staking Rewards: MXC offers staking mechanisms that allow token holders to earn rewards, providing an additional incentive beyond the potential appreciation of the token's value. This can be an attractive feature for investors looking for passive income streams.

5. Early Mover Advantage in LPWAN: By focusing on Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technology for IoT, MXC is positioning itself in a niche but rapidly growing sector. Investors might see this as an early mover advantage, with the potential for significant returns as the technology matures and gains wider acceptance.

6. Decentralized and Secure: The decentralized nature of the MXC network ensures security and resilience, essential features for IoT networks. This aspect might attract investors looking for projects with a strong emphasis on security and data integrity.

7. Participation in Governance: Holding MXC tokens gives investors a say in the project's governance, allowing them to vote on important decisions and influence the project's direction. This engagement level can appeal to investors who want a more active role in their investments.

8. Market Potential of IoT: The IoT market is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. Investing in a project like MXC, which aims to solve some of the key challenges in IoT, offers exposure to this potential market growth.

What Is MXProtocol Price Prediction?

While we cannot offer a reliable MXC crypto price prediction over any timeframe, monitoring the following factors could help you better understand the price changes in MXC coin:

1. Crypto Market Sentiment: Market sentiment towards cryptocurrencies in general and MXC in particular plays a significant role in determining the MXC token price. Positive sentiment, driven by bullish news or broader crypto market rallies, can lead to increases in the MXC to USD price, while negative sentiment can cause declines.

2. MXProtocol Adoption and Network Growth: The adoption rate of the MXC network and its technology, especially in IoT applications and smart city projects, can significantly impact the MXCToken value. As more devices and users join the network, the demand for MXC tokens may increase, potentially increasing the MXC crypto price.

3. Future Updates in the MXC Foundation Roadmap: Advancements and updates to the MXProtocol, improvements in network efficiency, and the launch of new features can positively affect investor perception and demand for MXC, influencing the MXC to USD price.

4. Partnerships and Collaborations: Strategic partnerships with other companies, governments, or projects can lend credibility and utility to the MXC network, attracting more users and investors and increasing price appreciation.

5. Competition: The landscape of blockchain projects focusing on IoT and similar use cases is competitive. The position of MXC relative to its competitors can influence the MXC coin price. Success in distinguishing itself and capturing market share can lead to price increases.

6. Staking and Tokenomics: The design of MXC's token economics, including staking rewards, supply mechanisms, and burn rates, can impact the $MXC price. For instance, a high staking reward can incentivize holding the token, potentially reducing supply in the market and driving up the MXC/USDT price.

7. Global Economic Factors: Broad economic factors, including inflation rates, interest rates, and the performance of major currencies, can indirectly influence the price of cryptocurrencies, including MXC. For example, during times of fiat currency devaluation, investors may seek alternative assets like cryptocurrencies.

8. Speculation: Speculative trading based on trends, rumors, or future potential can lead to price volatility. Traders looking to capitalize on short-term movements may contribute to price swings.

9. Liquidity: The liquidity of MXC tokens on exchanges can also influence the MXC token price. High liquidity facilitates easier trading, attracting more investors, while low liquidity can lead to price volatility.

How to Earn on MX Protocol

Earning on MX Protocol involves participating in a decentralized Internet of Things (IoT) network facilitated by the MXC Foundation. The MXC Foundation is developing a global data network that aims to improve device connectivity, commitment, and communication. Here's how individuals and entities can earn through MX Protocol:

1. Decentralized IoT Infrastructure: MX Protocol supports a decentralized IoT infrastructure, allowing participants to contribute to one of the world's largest decentralized IoT networks. Users can start mining and supporting local data economies by setting up LPWAN Crypto Miners on the MXProtocol​​.

2. MXC Token: The MXC is an ERC-20 utility token used for transactions between devices through the MXProtocol. This includes the publishing, selling, and trading of IoT tokens and data on an inter-chain NFT marketplace. Owning and trading these tokens can be a way to earn as part of the ecosystem​​.

3. M2 Pro Miner: The protocol relies on a network of M2 Pro Miners to provide LPWAN (Low-Power Wide Area Network) coverage. This mining process allows participants to gather and resell data as an asset, creating an opportunity to earn from the data collected and processed by their devices​​.

4. Web3 Networks and NFTs: The foundation also focuses on bringing enterprise assets as NFTs, facilitating limitless data sharing. This involvement in Web3 networks and NFTs opens additional avenues for earnings through data sharing and NFT transactions​​.

What is the all-time high price of MXCToken (MXC)?
The all-time high price of MXCToken (MXC) is $0.13460. The current price of MXC is down 0.93% from its all-time high.
What is the all-time low price of MXCToken (MXC)?
The all-time low price of MXCToken (MXC) is $0.00123. The current price of MXC is up 6.41% from its all-time low.
How much MXCToken (MXC) is there in circulation?
As of 7 27, 2024, there is currently 2.64B MXC in circulation. MXC has a maximum supply of 5.33B.
What is the market cap of MXCToken (MXC)?
The current market cap of MXC is $23.05M. It is calculated by multiplying the current supply of MXC by its real-time market price of $23.05M.
How do I store MXCToken (MXC)?
You can securely store your MXCToken in the custodial wallet on the KuCoin exchange without having to worry about managing your private keys. Other ways to store your MXC include using a self-custody wallet (on a web browser, mobile device, or desktop/laptop computer), a hardware wallet, a third-party crypto custody service, or a paper wallet.
Fear & Greed Index
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