Weight Adjustment of Newly Listed Spot Trading Pairs for KuCoin Market Makers

Weight Adjustment of Newly Listed Spot Trading Pairs for KuCoin Market Makers

2023/03/01 10:59:26

Dear Market Makers,

Starting from March 1st, 2023, KuCoin will uniformly adjust the market maker depthness and liquidity division of all newly listed trading pairs to Group A (the highest multiplier).

Depthness DivisionDepthness Multiplier

Liquidity DivisionLiquidity Multiplier

Unless otherwise specified, the validity period of this configuration will be according to the following rules:

1. If a new token is listed before or on the 15th of the current month, the configuration will be valid for the current month.

2. If a new token is listed after the 15th of the current month, the configuration will be valid for the current month and the following month.


The KuCoin Market Maker team will update the market maker evaluation rules, adjust trading pairs, and adjust the weight of trading pairs from time to time in accordance with the current market heat map, liquidity, and depth.

Apply to become a market maker:

Send an email to mm@kucoin.com to apply, or contact your key account manager directly.

Thank you for supporting KuCoin!

The KuCoin MM Team

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