
代碼 意義
200001 Order creation for this pair suspended--交易對暫停交易
200002 Order cancel for this pair suspended--交易對暫停取消訂單
200003 Number of orders breached the limit--委託中訂單數量過多
200009 Please complete the KYC verification before you trade XX--需要通過KYC高級認證才能交易該幣對
200004 Balance insufficient--賬戶餘額不足
260210 withdraw.disabled -- 幣鏈提現關閉,或者用戶被凍結提現
400001 Any of KC-API-KEY, KC-API-SIGN, KC-API-TIMESTAMP, KC-API-PASSPHRASE is missing in your request header -- 請求頭中缺少驗籤參數
400002 KC-API-TIMESTAMP Invalid -- 請求時間與服務器時差超過5秒
400003 KC-API-KEY not exists -- API-KEY 不存在
400005 Signature error -- 簽名錯誤,請檢查您的簽名
400006 The requested ip address is not in the api whitelist -- 請求IP不在API白名單中
400007 Access Denied -- API權限不足,無法訪問該URI目標地址。
404000 Url Not Found -- 找不到請求資源
400100 Parameter Error -- 請求參數不合法
400100 account.available.amount -- 餘額不足
400200 Forbidden to place an order--禁止在該交易對下單
400500 Your located country/region is currently not supported for the trading of this token--該數字資產不支持您所在區域的用戶參與,感謝您的理解
400600 validation.createOrder.symbolNotAvailable -- 交易對還未開啟交易
400700 Transaction restricted, there's a risk problem in your account--您的賬戶存在風險問題,暫時不允許進行交易
400800 Leverage order failed--槓槓下單失敗
411100 User are frozen -- 用戶被凍結,請聯繫幫助中心 (opens new window)
415000 Unsupported Media Type -- 請求頭等Content-Type需要設置成application/json
500000 Internal Server Error -- 服務器出錯,請稍後再試
600203 Symbol XXX-XXX cant be traded -- 交易對未啓用交易,如停機升級等,也會出現此錯誤
900001 symbol not exists--交易對不存在
