
A Thank-you Letter in KuCoin Futures 3rd Anniversary: Build Metaverse Planets Together!

2022/08/24 08:30:00

In August, KuCoin Futures ushered in its 3rd-anniversary carnival!

Over the past 3 years, KuCoin Futures has continued to develop with the support of our users. Launched in August 2019, KuCoin Futures has recorded the highest trading volume of over $10 billion in 2022 and now boasts over 10 million users. Every user has witnessed KuCoin Futures’ rapid development and cannot be separated from everyone's support.

At the KuCoin Futures 3rd Anniversary Carnival, we would sincerely thank all our users for your support along the way and formally invite you to celebrate the wonderful occasion together.

Over 10 Million Users

Staying true to our “user-oriented” principle, KuCoin Futures has served many users with our innovative products and high-quality services. In March of this year, KuCoin Futures reached over 10 million registered users, representing an increase of 67% from the previous year. The number of daily active users this year has also increased tenfold. One in every two users that hold crypto on KuCoin also uses KuCoin Futures.

With rapid development and continuous breakthroughs, KuCoin has also achieved leapfrog growth in trading volume. Futures trading volume has increased by 400%, average daily open interest has increased by 500% compared with last year, while highest intraday trading volume reached $10 billion. Over 50% of users who register and enable futures trading, and profits from a single user’s futures position have reached up to over 10,000%. KuCoin Futures has lived up to expectations and provided a satisfactory platform to users.

As a global trading platform, KuCoin Futures offers 14 different languages, making it easy for users to trade. At present, KuCoin Futures supports over 120 different coins. In order to help users start Futures trading faster, it offers a variety of novice and expert practical tutorials, along with teaching events for newcomers. KuCoin Futures has also continued to optimize system performance and stability such as the Web/App user experience to provide more comprehensive trading functions and user experience.

KuCoin Futures has successfully held 80 activities and distributed over $10 million in rewards to users. Over the past year, KuCoin Futures has issued over $15 million of airdrops, providing a wealth of futures trial funds and coupons to new users.

Voices From the Community

More than any milestone, what really brings us pride are the kind words from the Futures trading community.

“I believe that KuCoin Futures has the potential to be a leading player in the cryptocurrency Futures market.”

“KuCoin Futures trading is the best. It provides lots of features to make it easy for us to trade.”

“I love it! It’s perfect for growing and learning.”

“I love everything about KuCoin Futures. Keep forwarding!”

“Easy to use for beginners. KuCoin is best for Futures trading!”

“It is a very good choice to win money.”

These positive words from the community drive us to do even better.

Jointly Exploring a New Metaverse World

The needs of our users is always our top priority. In the future, we plan to add more assets. We will also upgrade the KuCoin Futures system to increase system capacity and provide a better trading experience to our users.

The KuCoin Futures 3rd Anniversary Carnival is now officially underway. Come explore the KuCoin Futures metaverse and share in a big prize pool.

Thank you once again for your trust, support, and companionship. Let us brave through this crypto winter together and create a bright future full of infinite possibilities for the crypto world!

KuCoin Futures Team

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