Bitcoin Pizza Day

The crypto community celebrates May 22 as Bitcoin Pizza Day. This commemorates May 22, 2010, when an early Bitcoin miner and Florida-based programmer, Laszlo Hanyecz, bought two pizzas using 10,000 BTC. 


At the time, each BTC was valued at around 0.03 cents as the pizzas cost Laszlo around $30. Since then, the price of BTC touched an all-time high of over $69,000, causing him a loss of over $690 million.


His purchase was the first ever recorded real-world use case or application of BTC as a digital currency and payment method. The event has gone down in history and is celebrated by cryptocurrency lovers as the pioneer event when cryptocurrencies were used for commercial purposes.

Speaking about the event several years later, Hanyecz himself admitted that using Bitcoins to buy pizzas made the cryptocurrency real and showcased its potential as an alternative to fiat currency for the first time. However, the purchase was made indirectly as no store accepted BTC payments then. Hanyecz found another pizza consumer and early Bitcoin adopter willing to buy BTC in exchange for his order of pizzas to Laszlo Hanyecz.