Order Book


    An orderbook or order book is an electronic list of buy and sell orders for a particular financial asset or instrument, ordered based on price. In crypto, cryptocurrency exchanges offer an Order Book on a specific asset's trade page. It lists vital information about trades in the market, including an asset's average price, volume, and value.


    An asset with a more significant market depth has a lower likelihood of experiencing potential price manipulation, making it a safer digital asset to trade. The order book offers the last traded price and the best bid price and ask price, critical information that can help traders decide when to enter the market and how to trade the asset.


    The orderbook is a helpful indicator that can analyze the market depth, trading volume, or interest in a specific cryptocurrency. The orderbook can show you the number of active limit orders at each price level at any given moment.


    In addition to offering insight into market depth, analyzing the order book is a helpful way to estimate the price of a crypto asset at a particular period. You can also see whether it is an excellent time to buy or sell the asset based on the number and type of orders listed.


    Penafian: Maklumat yang terdapat pada halaman ini mungkin telah diperoleh daripada pihak ketiga dan tidak semestinya menggambarkan pandangan atau pendapat KuCoin. Kandungan ini adalah disediakan bagi tujuan maklumat umum sahaja, tanpa sebarang perwakilan atau waranti dalam apa jua bentuk, dan juga tidak boleh ditafsirkan sebagai nasihat kewangan atau pelaburan. KuCoin tidak akan bertanggungjawab untuk sebarang kesilapan atau pengabaian, atau untuk sebarang akibat yang terhasil daripada penggunaan maklumat ini. Pelaburan dalam aset digital boleh membawa risiko. Sila menilai risiko produk dan toleransi risiko anda dengan teliti berdasarkan keadaan kewangan anda sendiri. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila rujuk kepada Terma Penggunaan dan Pendedahan Risiko kami.