Collateralized Debt Position (CDP)

A Collateralized Debt Position (CDP) is a type of smart contract that allows users to generate cryptocurrency tokens against the collateral they have locked up in the contract. This concept is primarily used in decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms like MakerDAO.


In the case of MakerDAO, users lock up collateral (like Ether) in a CDP to generate DAI, a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. The amount of DAI that can be generated is determined by the value of the collateral, and it must be overcollateralized, meaning the value of the collateral must be higher than the value of the DAI generated.


The CDP remains open until the user pays back the DAI and any accrued interest (stability fee). If the value of the collateral falls below a certain threshold (liquidation ratio), the CDP can be automatically liquidated, and the collateral is sold to pay off the debt.

CDPs are a key component of many DeFi platforms, enabling users to take out loans without intermediaries while also maintaining control over their collateral. However, they also carry risks, particularly due to the volatility of the collateral assets.