How to Borrow Through KuCoin Margin “Crypto Lending”?

How to Borrow Through KuCoin Margin “Crypto Lending”?


1.   Select [Auto-Borrow] on the Margin trading interface (the same as the app)  

auto borrow.png

2.   After confirming, your order will be auto-borrowed at the current market rate, which changes hourly.

auto borrow2.png

Manual Borrow

1.   Select [Borrow] on the Margin trading interface (Manual Borrow on app)

Manual borrow.png

2.   Confirm the amount of the token you want to borrow (please also confirm your expected borrowing account if Isolated/Cross Margin before borrowing)

borrow confirm.png

3.   You will then successfully borrow the corresponding token to the designated account (Cross Margin/Isolated Margin);

4.   The repayment process is the same as the borrowing. Tick the repayment button to complete the repayment process.


*Due to the launch of Crypto Lending on the website, the real-time interest rate cannot be seen while placing the order. We will upgrade the display soon. However, it does not affect the users' borrowing, and the loan will be borrowed at the current market real-time interest rate, which changes hourly with market interest rate fluctuations.